"10"....."43"....."34"..... click. I reapeat my locker combination as I usually do as a habit.
"Now I know your combo." A raspy Australian voice wispered in my ear. I turn around only to see Michale a few centimeters in front of me. His eyes look alittle bit red and he doesn't seem to be very focused. I got uncomfortable pretty fast but I still didn't move.
"Are you high." I said my curiosity getting the best of me.
"Well you know it natures relaxer." He said. I know Michale like the back of my hand and I could tell he was trying to avoid somthing.
I looked away from his eyes and saw Calum talking to his group of populars directly in front of us. Suddenly his eyes met mine and for a coulple seconds we stared at each other but his eyes grew angry as he traced Michales figure hovering so close over me. I quickly looked at the ground and foucsed back on my conversation with Michale. I looked into Michales green eyes again.
"Michale w-who did you g-get the weed from." I stuttered hoping I wasnt about to get the answer I am dreading to hear.
"Look Kyl-" Michale started to say his eyes trace to the ground.
"Michale!!!!" I said sternly but ended up shouting alittle.
"John" Michlale quickly spit out and my moulth dropped. He knows what has happend between us. How could he do this to me. Danny and now Michale. I tried to leave but he blocked me by putting his arm up on the lockers behind me.
"Kylie I a-" Michale started but I cut him off.
"H-How could you!!!" I stuttered again. Michale of all people. I cant fucking bielieve this. Just then another body slightly taller than Michale appered.
"Is everything okay here." Calums voice emerged making Michale step aside. His big brown eyes now engulfing me.
"Yeah" I said trying to keep this subject from continueing. "Just fine" I said while picking up my skateboard and bag. I left quickly to my 7th period leaving the two boys alone. I got to Mr. Kemps class and stoped right outside considering whether I want to ditch but my mind went elsewhere.
As much as I dont like to admit it I am really hurt by Michales betrayle. Actually, no I am furious with Michale. Him of ALL people. I trusted him the most to understand and be there for me. On top of all my fucking crap, he had the balls to actually try to act like nothing was wrong. As if I am some dumbass who cant get a clue!!! Like what the fuck! He knew I would find out. Couldnt he of at least stayed away from me. He was suppose to be my fucking best friend!!!!!
This is such bull shit!!!!
"FUCKING SHIT!!!!" I yelled and kicked the lockers behind me hard,making a loud noise in front of Mr. Kemps class. I turned around and put my arm against the locker and rested my forehead on my arm. I was trying to calm myself. I could feel my pulse increasing and sweat beading around my forehead.
"You okay?" I heard Calums voice. Crap, bad timing. This boy is gonna regret asking this quetion.
"I already answered that!! I. Am. Fine." I snapped at him without turning around. I am really sick of that quetion.
"You are ouviously not." He said cautiously.
"Well if your so damn sure about yourself why did you still bother to ask me that shitty quetion?!?" I said now facing him.
"I was just bieng caring, shit." He said giving me a face as if I should know better.
"Be caring!!! You have never givin one fuck about me. So why start now huh!?!" I inched closer to his face steaming with anger.
"I dont need your pitty Hood!!! I am not some fucking charity case!" I screamed. He stood there speechless. He opened his moulth to say somthing but then closed it deciding against it. The bell rang and I walked into the class, Calum walking behind me.

Time Bomb •ch•
Fanfiction"You'll take my heart and I'll take take your hand and we'll run as fast as we can."