I walked up to my front door but somthing was wrong I didnt hear anything not one noise from the other side of the noise. I didnt hear mum yelling, the tv on or Alex's music. I quickly ran up the stairs and knocked on Alex's door. No one answered so I just opened it.
"NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!" I ran into her room. There was nothing there everything was gone exept the furniture. Her bed striped down to only a matress. I looked in her closet, vanity, and dressers. There was nothing. She didnt leave, she couldnt of, she wouldnt. This cant be happening. I ran down stairs and into the back yard. I saw my mum sitting on the bench doubled over with a bottle of wine in her hand.
"What did you do!!!!!!!" My voice spewing with anger.
"I want her back!!!WHERE IS SHE!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I felt a swift sting on my cheek and stumbled backwards.
"Gone" She looked me straight in eyes and said the one thing I didnt want to hear. I grabbed her bottle of wine right out of her hands and chucked it to the wall right behind her head. The bottle shattered behind her head and she ducked.
"I hate you!!!" I screamed tears continuously falling from my eyes, blurring my vision. She just stared at me.
"I HATE YOU" I said through gritted teeth. At that very moment I broke.
I ran. Its the only thing I know how to do, run. I ran down the street and kept on going. I dont know where I am going as long as it far away from her I dont care. I saw a alley to my left and ran into it. It was competely empty, no cars, trash cans, people, just slience. I slid down the brick wall and fell to the ground, my knees to my chest, crying my eyes out. I felt a drop of water fall on my head. I looked up to see the sky almost black and littered with dark clouds. I started to pour. I didnt care. I sat there crying, soaking wet, and freezing. I have lost my family, my best friend, my sister.
I cried and cried intil I heard somthing. It sounded like wimpering. I lifted my head up and looked out into the distance. About 20 feet away I saw a dog ,standing there in the rain just looking at me. I could barely see it though, due to the heavy rain. I stood up and slowly walked towrds it. As I walked closer the dog didnt move an inch. I stood about 5 feet away from the dog and nelt down on my knees. The dog imediately ran up to me and licked my face. Wow. This dog is beautiful. I got a closer look at her. She has a white neck, chest, and paws but the rest of her boby has a sliver like color to her thin fur. By her body type she looks to be a Pit Bull. She is quite small probobly a puppy, she has one blue and one brown eye and her ears are clipped.
"Arent you a little odd ball." I giggled.
I got the poor puppy out of the rain and under a roof of a drive way of a random house. It wasnt hard she just followed me like a lost puppy. I sat down and the puppy crawed into my lap. As I looked at her and I noticed the bite marks on her body. Holy shit, the clipped ears, the bite marks, this dog was used for dog fighting. I started to cry.
I kissed the top of her head. "Its ok now. Im here and I wont let anyone hurt you. I am going to help you." I said as tears fell out of my eyes. The puppy liffted her head and looked at my tear stained face. She started to lick away all my tears.
"And I think your going to help me too." I started to giggle again.

Time Bomb •ch•
Fanfiction"You'll take my heart and I'll take take your hand and we'll run as fast as we can."