Ch. 11

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Nick POV

I chuckled when I read Joe's text. "Funny bro." I mumbled to myself.

"Why's your brother funny?" Dee asked, coming into the room with my lunch.

I shook my head. "Nothing." Dee shrugged her shoulders as she sat down at the table next to me, to eat her lunch, too. "This looks delicious. You're quite the cook." I smiled as I sat back in my chair. I hadn't even looked at my plate.

She stared at me for a moment, then laughed. "It's peanut butter & jelly."

I looked down at my meal & laughed. "Well, it looks yummy." I scowled at my sandwich, eyeing it, strangely. She crinkled her eyebrows as she watched me. "You didn't cut the crust off." I smirked.

Dee laughed & smacked my arm, gently. "Shut up. I make it for my son & you really need to go shopping. It's slim pickins in there." Her eyebrows went up as she grinned, then took a bite of her sandwich.

"Maybe you can take me shopping tomorrow. And I need to stop by my friends' studio, too. I want you to come with me."

"What for?" Dee asked, after taking a drink of her water.

"Don't say no, until you've thought about it. Promise?" I asked, picking up a chip. Dee nodded, cautiously. "I kinda sing & play guitar & I write music sometimes." I said looking down at the chip in my hand. I shoved it in my mouth as I looked up at Dee's face. She looked surprised. "My friend owns this recording studio & he produces & writes & plays for other artists & bands. He's been trying to get me to do an album for years & now that I have to change careers, I figured maybe I would give the music thing a shot."

"That's amazing. Has he produced for anyone I may have heard of?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Tons, I'm sure. I can't even name everyone. Pretty much anyone & everybody. He's looking right now for some established artists who may want to collaborate on something, with me, to get my name out there."

"Well, that's awesome. So what am I not supposed to say no to?" Dee asked, then took a bite of her sandwich.

"I want you to sing on my album with me. Your voice is amazing." I smiled before taking a bite of the sandwich. Wow. This sandwich was pretty good. I hadn't had pb&j since I was in high school, but damn, this was delicious.

"I'm not singing on an album. I have no intentions of switching careers right now."

"You don't have to switch careers. You're good at being a nurse, anyway. You have an awesome bedside manner & you're easy on the eyes." I said in my sexiest voice.

"There it is. I was wondering when the sexist pig would come back out." Dee laughed, shaking her head, then she took a bite of her sandwich.

"I'm not a sexist pig. I was just telling you why you're a good nurse. Seriously, though, it would just be one song. You can sing it with me or as a backup vocal. I will leave it up to you. I think this could be good for you." I smiled.

"I'll think about it." Dee said, before shoving a chip in her mouth.

The next day, Dee took me to Greg's studio & I was pretty sure I had her convinced to do a song with me. When we got back to my place, I was helping her put groceries away. "We only have another week together, before I won't need a nurse anymore." I said, watching her face, intently.

"I know. I'm counting down the hours...." Dee said as she put some boxes into the cupboard. My heart sank, then she turned around, smirking at me. "Oh my God. I was kidding." She busted out laughing as I breathed a sigh of relief. "Your face... oh God. That was priceless."

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