Chapter Seven: Unwanted Attention

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It had been a week since Alyssa had signed the contract to become the girlfriend of three world famous footballers and the brunette was surprised how quickly time seemed to fly for her.

In a weeks’ time, the entire team would be flying to South Africa for the world cup and their base camp was to be in the NWU Campus base camp in  Potchefstroom; something that made Alyssa nervous.

The brunette knew that staying in close accommodation with her boyfriends, was going to be difficult; they didn't want anyone knowing that the four were dating in anyway.

Alyssa sighed as she filed away the last of the medical forms for the world cup, she had been on her feet all day and she was exhausted since she had yet to stop for lunch.

The brunette was due to go on her first date with Iker the next day and she was a little nervous about being alone with her eldest boyfriend.

Alyssa’s stomach grumbled making her sigh as she checked her watch, she didn’t see the harm in breaking for lunch now since she had been working four hours straight and she needed a break.

Stepping out of the office where she had been working, Alyssa bumped into a solid form which chuckled as it held her up right; she blushed when she realised that the solid form was none other than Iker.

“Hola,” Iker greeted her as she stepped away from him, she blushed as she smoothed out her blouse; she was a little surprised that he was here.

Iker looked down the corridor making sure no one could see them, he knew that they couldn’t be found out otherwise Alyssa would be in a lot of trouble.

“How are you?” he asked her, as he brushed some of her hair away from her brown eyes while she allowed him to cup her face.

“I’m good,” Alyssa said softly as his thumbs rubbed against her cheeks, she tried to fight the blush at the intimate gesture; she really was caught off guard at how he was being with her.

The brunette was slowly adjusting to the fact that she had three boyfriends, each of them were very different from the next; it had taken some time for her to wrap her head around all of this.

“I look forward to seeing you tomorrow,” Iker said as they heard someone approaching them, Alyssa nodded as she looked away from him; she couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that their private moment had been interrupted.

Pressing his lips to her forehead, Iker sighed before he turned on his heel and walked away just as José Antonio approached Alyssa as she pretended she had just stepped out of the room.

“You’re free to head to lunch,” José Antonio said knowing the brunette had worked long and hard that morning and she deserved her lunch break right now. Alyssa smiled at him and nodded, she waited until he was gone before she looked at the direction Iker had disappeared in.

The brunette sighed wondering what she should do for lunch, she made her way down the corridor and into the elevator; where two footballers were already inside.

They both stopped talking as they eyed Alyssa as the doors closed, she held back a groan knowing that she just needed to get out and hurry away before they tried anything.

“Hola, I’m Joan Capdevila,” one of the footballers said to her with a grin to his friend, they couldn’t believe their luck at getting into an elevator with the team intern.

“And I am Javi Martínez… what’s your name hermonsa?” the second said as he smiled at Alyssa, he knew that she had caught most of the attention of the team.

The brunette was a beautiful woman and they both wanted to get a head start on wooing her so that they stood a chance with her.

Alyssa felt like she had been rubbed up the wrong way when Javi had called her hermonsa, it was what Fernando called her and it didn’t feel right for anyone else to say it to her.

“Alyssa… I’m the team intern,” the brunette replied politely, she had gone to school with a lot of boys like this and she knew they’d only harass her until she answered.

Alyssa couldn’t help but pray that the doors would open soon, she wasn’t interested in boys when she had three men in her life.

Joan chuckled as he moved closer to her and wrapped an arm around her; he knew he was going to enjoy getting to know her especially if she was a naughty girl.

The footballer was interested in a summer fling and he knew an intern would be the person to seek one with.

“Maybe I could take you to dinner some time,” Joan said making Alyssa gag slightly as she wrinkled her nose at his cheap smelling aftershave; she knew he was some hotshot footballer but she didn’t want him near her.

Alyssa stepped away from Joan and shook her head, she really didn’t want to get involved with someone else especially if she had Iker, Fernando and Sergio in her life right now.

“No Gracias,” the brunette said making Javi chuckle and shake his head amused; Alyssa nearly jumped out of the elevator when the doors finally opened on the ground floor to get away from them.

However that didn’t deter Joan or Javi who followed after her; she groaned as she stepped out of the building and started towards her Mercedes Benz as quickly as she could.

“Come on hermonsa… who wouldn’t want to date a member of La Furia Roja?” Joan asked Alyssa as he pulled her to a stop; the brunette sighed and pulled her arm out of his hand.

The footballer was sure that with a little nudge that Alyssa would surely back down and give into him and his friend.

“I’m not interested,” Alyssa said slowly hoping he would understand what she was saying but it only seemed to annoy him.

However he didn’t get to respond as Sergio and Fernando stepped out of the building talking to Iker; they stopped what they were doing as spotted what was happening.

“Is there a problem?” Iker asked making Joan pale slightly as he turned to look at the team captain while Alyssa looked relieved to see them.

With one look at Fernando and Sergio, it was clear to the brunette that they were struggling to control themselves and not lash out over Joan’s interest in her.

Alyssa looked at Iker who seemed to have more control over himself than the other two did and she was glad that he did; she knew he couldn’t punch his team-mates without getting into trouble

 “No Iker… there’s no problem,” Joan said though he stepped away from Alyssa, he looked between the three footballers nervously, everyone knew better than to get on the wrong side of any of the Real Madrid or Barcelona players.

“I wasn’t asking you,” Iker said as he looked at Alyssa, who shook her head; he nodded knowing he would be able to ask her when he saw her later and if he didn’t Fernando or Sergio would.

“Why don’t I walk you to your car Alyssa,” Fernando offered making her nod gratefully, he didn’t want to leave her alone especially with Joan and Javi likely to start up again.

Sergio shot Fernando a look as the other man started to led Alyssa away, they didn’t want anything happening to their girlfriend and Iker would need his help.

“We won’t let anything happen to you Alyssa,” Fernando said as they walked away, he glanced back knowing that whatever happened Alyssa was going to be safe and no one was going to harass her while they were around.

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