Chapter Twenty-Nine: Semi Final Drama

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Walking through the Moses Mabhida Stadium in Durban, Alyssa sighed; she knew that the last few days had been stressful and she hadn't seen her boys a lot since they were training more than ever.

Alyssa had been sent by Monica to collect some supplies for the team's doctors before their match against Germany started.

The brunette was half way down the corridor when she noticed she was being followed; she stopped walking and tuned to face the person behind her.

Alyssa stared as Rico approached her, a smirk set on his face as she backed away from him; she didn't know what it was but she felt nervous about being alone with Rico.

"Hola Alyssa," Rico said as he stopped in front of her and smirked; his dark brown eyes trailed down her body admiring her for a moment knowing that he was please he had caught her alone.

The brunette regretted wearing her pink and black colour block dress that slightly hugged her body paired with black peep toe flared heels since she was working.

"Rico, what are you doing here?" Alyssa asked nervously, she didn't like the way that he seemed to be checking her out and she knew that she couldn't allow that.

Rico stepped towards her and brushed some hair out of her face as he backed her into a wall, he couldn't believe that no one had noticed that he was walking around without any id.

"I said we needed to talk," Rico said as he kissed her neck when she couldn't escape him, he had pinned her against the wall and he knew no one would be coming to find her.

Alyssa closed her eyes feeling sick that he was touching her like this, Rico smirked as he pinned her against the wall.

"There's nothing to say," Alyssa argued hoping that someone would pass through the corridor and notice them; however she knew that it wasn't likely.

Rico frowned at her words and slapped her, Alyssa clutched her face as she stared at him; Rico clutched her face and grinned as she winced.

"I didn't ask if there was," Rico said; as the colour drained from Alyssa's face as he pulled out a knife, she prayed that someone would come and find her soon.


Fernando frowned as he warmed up alongside Sergio, Alyssa still hadn't returned from her errands that Monica had sent her on and she had been gone for quite some time now. 

"Do you think she's okay?" Fernando asked concerned, Sergio sighed and shook his head; they were a little concerned that they hadn't seen or heard from her in a while and the match would be starting soon.

"Maybe one of us should go look for her," Fernando said as Iker approached the two of them; he nodded in agreement as they glanced over at Monica who looked a little stressed about something.

They watched as Monica tried to organise the doctors but she could only do so much until Alyssa returned; Iker sighed as he ran a hand through his hair this wasn't like their girlfriend at all.

"She's been gone to long," Sergio murmured as they moved across the field towards the tunnel, Monica looked at them; she could see that they were concerned for the young brunette and she didn't blame them.

"We'll find her," Iker said to Monica who nodded as they passed her, it wasn't like Alyssa to take her time with things. However they didn't get far before Sergio's phone rang out making Fernando and Iker to look at him as he fished his phone out of his pocket.

Sergio frowned at the message that he had received, he knew that this wasn't going to make much sense to anyone including himself.

"It's from Alyssa, says she's headed back to the hotel since she wasn't feeling well," Sergio said confused making Iker and Fernando frown; they each knew that there was something more going on.

The brunette had seemed fine when they had last seen her thirty minutes before and she had promised she wouldn't be long; it made them worry even more about what was going on.

Iker looked at Monica who looked a little annoyed that Alyssa had taken off like this; the older brunette muttered as she passed them to go the supplies herself.

"I'll tell her we'll see her when we get back," Sergio said making the other two nod before they turned to return to the field; a bad feeling seemed to settle in the air around the three.


Monica sighed as she walked along the corridor, she didn't know what had gotten into the brunette; she had never known Alyssa to take off like this and it seemed so out of sorts for the younger woman.

Monica slowed her walk as she noticed something red coating the stadium corridor's sleek floors; she looked down horrified as she saw that it coated the walls and there were hand prints coated in red that showed signs of a struggle.

"What the hell?" Monica whispered as she carefully stepped around the pools of red, she felt sick as she realised that it was blood; the brunette covered her mouth feeling like she was about to throw up.

Monica slowly stepped forward as she spotted something slumped against the walls, however she rushed forward as she realised that, that something was Alyssa.

"Oh my God," Monica said as she moved towards the pale brunette that lay collapsed in her own blood, Monica quickly checked her pulse before looking around for help.

The older woman cursed in panic, she didn't know what to do as she pulled out her mobile phone and started to dial as she felt tears formed in her eyes.

"I need an ambulance... Moses Mabhida Stadium," Monica said as she looked at the brunette, she had no idea of what to make of what was happening.

Monica blinked back tears as she listened to the operator as she spoke, she wondered who would do this to a lovely person like Alyssa and what the hell she was going to tell the boys.


The team celebrated as they stepped off the pitch after they had beaten Germany; they were going to the final and they were going to do their best to win the world cup.

Iker grinned as his team mates bounced about and cheered in celebration of what they had done; however the team fell silent as Monica appeared looking like she had seen a ghost.

"Monica?" Iker asked concerned as she blinked and looked at him, her face was pale and it sent worry through the entire team about what she could be about to tell them.

They hadn't even noticed that Monica hadn't been around for the entire match and they knew something big had happened.

Monica blinked back tears as she shook her head, she knew that she had to tell them before the press did; she licked her lips and looked at Iker, Fernando and Sergio.

"I'm so sorry," Monica said the three looked at her worried; they didn't like the way this was going, they felt the bad feeling reappear as the team all watched wondering what was going on.

"Alyssa's been attacked," Monica said before she broke down in tears that she could no longer hold back, the entire team stared at her shocked wondering what the hell had happened to Alyssa while they had been playing against Germany.

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