Chapter Sixteen: Father-Daughter Bonding

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David shifted nervously as he waited for Alyssa outside of the hotel where she was staying, he was nervous about spending the day with his daughter.

The day before he had been with Adam and it hadn’t gone well, there was so much anger in the younger man that David realised that this wasn’t going to be easy.

“Are you ready?” Alyssa asked as she approached her father, she could see that he was nervous and she had heard how badly Adam’s day with him had gone.

David nodded his head as he looked at his daughter, she was wearing a white vest top and long denim shorts paired with slip on cream and black checkerboard trainers for their day out.

Alyssa was every inch her mother and David knew that he would do anything to make up for all the time that he had been missing.

The two of them quietly left the hotel knowing that they had promised Amelia that they would at least try, she was upset enough that Adam had tried to punch David during their time together.

“I was thinking that we could get some lunch,” David said nervously, he had no idea how to act around his children; he knew that he was going to have to put a lot of work in to make things right.

Alyssa nodded her head as she glanced behind her, she could see Iker watching her leave and she knew that there was something on his mind.

The brunette knew that the entire team had a day of training ahead of them, the match the day before had been a disaster and Vicente was determined to whip the team into shape before the next match.


“So tell me about you,” David said as he looked at his daughter, she was a complete stranger to him and he wanted to know everything about her.

Alyssa could be the only daughter that he ever had since David had no idea if he and Amelia would have more children; he knew that he had to make things work with Adam and Alyssa.

“There’s not much to tell,” Alyssa said shrugging as she sipped on her glass of water, she knew her mother would have told him pretty much everything and she couldn’t tell him about her current boyfriends.

David sighed as he nodded, he knew that the twins hadn’t had much in life and he couldn’t deny that he wasn’t proud that Alyssa was currently studying at university.

“Your madre said you’re studying at university,” David said knowing that he would be paying for it when she returned, he wanted to cover her costs and he knew that Alyssa had been getting a student loan for the last few years to cover her studies.

Alyssa nodded her head, her brown eyes watching her father as she tried to ignore the awkwardness that seemed to surround them.

“I’m studying Business Management,” the brunette said knowing that it was the main reason that she had applied for her internship; she wasn’t sure what she was going to do now though.

Alyssa was torn especially since in the last three weeks, she had grown attached to Iker, Fernando and Sergio; she was going to miss them when it came time for them to break up.

David nodded his head proud that at least one of his children had gone into further education; he had never thought anyone would do that from his family.

“I have something for you,” David said nervously as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, he’d bought this a couple of days earlier and he was a little nervous about giving it to her.

Alyssa eyed the box wondering what he had gotten her, she knew that Adam had rejected the gift that David had gotten for him; she just wasn’t sure what to do about all of this.

David opened the box to reveal a silver open flower necklace that he had gotten for her, he knew he had missed her birthday by two months but he had wanted to get her something since she was twenty-one now.

“Do you like it?” David asked as if expecting for Alyssa to lash out like her brother had, he wasn’t sure how he would deal with both of his children rejecting him.

Alyssa nodded a little in awe of the necklace, she didn’t really own any jewellery and nothing as pretty as the necklace that she was being offered right now.

“You didn’t have to get me anything,” Alyssa said as she looked at him, her brown eyes watching him knowing that she wouldn’t have minded if he didn’t get her anything.

The brunette didn’t really know him but he was her father and nothing would change that fact; David was always going to hold that title even if he decided that he wanted to wake away.

“I did… I feel bad for missing you grow up,” David said as he smiled softly at her, she was just like her mother and that was clearly a good thing since she wasn’t rejecting him right now.


“You’re so much calmer than Adam is,” David mused as they took a slow walk back to the hotel, he was still in awe of the fact that Alyssa was so different from her twin brother.

Alyssa nodded with a small smile, the necklace now resting around her neck as she thought about everything that was happening; the world cup was certainly changing her life in an unexpected way.

“Adam’s always been a little angry,” Alyssa said as she looked at her father, she was sure that it would take some time for her twin brother to get used to the idea of having a father around.

Alyssa didn’t really see it as a bad thing since she had always wanted one and she knew that her mother was finally happy; Amelia had do so much for them that she deserved this.

“And you’re not?” David asked knowing he wasn’t going to give up on Adam, he loved his son and he was sure that in time the feelings would be returned.

Alyssa nodded her head, she didn’t see any reason to be angry with David for what happened; she held Vicente and Trinidad responsibly for what had happened between her parents.

“You’re always going to be my padre… no matter what is happening,” Alyssa said as she swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat; she knew that she was going to get a little emotional about this.

David looked at his daughter, she definitely had gotten her mother’s brains and he felt tears well in his eyes at what she had said.

The two walked in silence before David stopped and pulled Alyssa into his arms, he couldn’t resist any more as tears fell from his eyes; he knew he do anything for her if she asked.

Alyssa stood still for a moment before she hugged David back, she knew that it was going to take some time and she had a feeling that they would have a strong relationship.

Vicente watched his son from afar as he hugged Alyssa, he hoped to see the brunette warming to him soon since he loved the idea of being a grandfather.

However he was a little disappointed to learn that David had asked Amelia to marry him, he was willing to deal with it if it meant that he could get to know his grandchildren.

They were the reason that Vicente had done what he had and he knew Trinidad was excited about meeting Adam and Alyssa; she was flying out in a few days to meet the twins.

Vicente just hoped that in that time Alyssa would be a lot warmer with him, she refused to speak with him right now.

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