Chapter Eighteen: Problems and Reveals

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Alyssa groaned as she felt herself being slammed into the wall of the corridor that she had been walking down; she had been delivering paperwork to Monica and hadn’t planned on taking very long doing it.

“Hola hermonsa,” said Joan as he pressed his lips down her neck, she felt sick at the feeling of someone who wasn’t Iker, Fernando or Sergio touching her like this.

The brunette struggled against the hold that Joan had on her, a little dizzy from banging her head against the wall; Javi rolled his eyes as he watched his friend’s antics.

“Will you hurry up before someone comes,” Javi hissed as he listened out for their team-mates, they didn’t want to be caught before they had even finished with Alyssa.

Everyone was currently at lunch and they needed to get the brunette bundled into their hotel room and gagged before anyone would come looking for her.

Alyssa wished that she wasn’t wearing her orange skater dress with buttons and short sleeves that she had paired with black platform heeled sandals; it was short and right now showed more flesh than she wanted to the two footballers to see.

Joan nodded as he pushed Alyssa into his room, she stared at him as Javi closed the door behind them as they entered; she felt panic fill her knowing that this wasn’t good.

“Now you behave and maybe… maybe you’ll enjoy this,” Joan said as he pulled out some duct-tape knowing that they couldn’t have anyone finding her with them.

Alyssa wasn’t going to get the chance to tell anyone what they had done to her, the two footballers planned to make her disappear after this.

Alyssa swallowed before she went to scream, however she didn’t get the chance before Joan clapped a hand over her mouth.

Javi ripped off some cello-tape before the cover her mouth, Joan smirked as they pushed her back onto the bed; they quickly handcuffed her down.

The brunette looked at them terrified as they grinned at one another; she struggled against her restraints as tears formed in her brown eyes.

Joan smirked as he looked down at her, a hand running along her face causing her to flinch away from him; he knew that she was a little tease.

“Don’t be like that Alyssa,” Joan purred as Javi started to remove her orange dress making her cry harder and struggle; they cut away her dress, smirking at the lingerie that she was wearing underneath.

Alyssa struggled as she tried to cover herself as they both touched her stomach, she knew that her boyfriends were bound to notice when she didn’t show up for lunch and she hoped that it was soon.

“I told you,” Joan said smugly as Alyssa started to cry, she knew that no one knew where she was and when Iker, Fernando and Sergio discovered what had happened, they would kill Joan and Javi.

“I know, now let’s see what we have behind item number one,” Javi said as he moved to remove her fluro pink summer underwire bra; he smirked as he looked at the terrified look that formed in Alyssa’s eyes knowing that he was going to enjoy this.


Iker frowned as he sat at lunch with Fernando and Sergio as they waited for their girlfriend of three weeks to join them; however she had yet to show up.

They had been waiting for thirty minutes and there was still no sign of her, this wasn’t just running late anymore and it was starting to worry the three footballers.

“She was only meant to be dropping paperwork off with Monica,” Sergio said worried, he didn’t like that Alyssa could have disappeared off without telling them; she should have returned ages ago or she would have texted them.

Fernando nodded as he glanced at the clock; they were all worried about her, she wasn’t even answering her phone when they had tried to call her but it went straight to voicemail.

Iker suddenly got to his feet as his brown eyes glanced around the room as he realised that two footballers were missing from lunch; his heart lurched at this realisation.

“Where’s Joan and Javi?” Iker asked making Fernando and Sergio still as they looked around as well, they hadn’t seen the two men since training and that had finished over an hour ago.

The footballers were quickly on their feet and heading back up to their floor knowing that this couldn’t just be a coincidence.


“Joan and Javi’s room?” Iker demanded as he looked at Gerard and Cesc, he couldn’t remember the number and he knew they had very short time.

If there was a chance that they had Alyssa, Iker didn’t want to think what they could be doing to his girlfriend at that moment.

“Room 312,” Gerard replied as he looked at Iker concerned, his blue eyes flickering to Fernando and Sergio as they quickly hurried to the room; he glanced at Cesc who shrugged before they followed after the three.

Banging on the door, Iker heard someone curse and muttering before Javi opened the door; the colour drained from his face at the sight of his team-mates.

Iker snapped his arm forward and punched Javi causing him to curse and stumble backwards; the players didn’t wait before the group stormed into the room.

They all saw red at what they found inside, Joan stopped what he was doing and looked at his team-mates; he was straddling Alyssa who was nearly completely naked.

Iker ripped Joan off of Alyssa while Cesc and Gerard grabbed Javi so he couldn’t escape; it was clear that they had walked in just in time as Sergio removed his jacket and handed it to Fernando.

Fernando quickly moved to comfort Alyssa who was sobbing; he carefully removed the cello-tape that covered her mouth while Sergio released her arms.

Alyssa didn’t waste a moment before she clung onto Fernando, she was shaking like a leaf and was blubbering as she held onto him.

“What the hell were you two thinking?” Iker shouted, other members of the team were already gathering to see what was going on and they didn’t look happy about the scene unfolding.

“She was begging for it… we all know she wants you three to shag her,” Joan said trying to defend himself and what he had just been trying to do to Alyssa; no one seemed to believe what they were hearing.

Sergio glared at him, he hadn’t missed his reference to them dating Alyssa but couldn't bring himself to care right now.

Joan didn’t get to say more before Gerard lunged at him only to be stopped by Cesc, Xabi and Carles who held him back disgusted by what had happened.

“Nando... get her out of here,” Xabi said making Fernando nod as he lifted her bridal style, Sergio moved to Iker who looked ready to kill Joan and Javi for what they had done.

“You’re always with her… we thought we could have our fun like you three with her,” Javi said as he wiped his bloody nose, the players gathered looked at Iker and Sergio, since Fernando had already left wondering what was going on between the four.

“She’s our girlfriend,” Sergio hissed without thinking, some of the players looked at him shocked but others simply ignored it.

They had all known something was going on between the four-some and it wasn’t as bad as what Joan and Javi had just tried to do to Alyssa.

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