Chapter Twenty: The Unexpected

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Amelia smiled as she sat across from her daughter, she had insisted on having breakfast alone with Alyssa so that they could talk; she wanted to know if her daughter as okay and to learn more about her odd relationship.

“How are you?” Amelia asked as she sipped on her orange juice, her daughter looked at her worried; when Iker had told her that her parents knew she didn’t know what to expect.

The brunette had opted to wear a beige collarless white blouse and authentic wash jeans paired with black printed heeled shoes; she had wanted to be comfortable more than anything after what had happened the day before.

“I’m okay… still a little shaken,” Alyssa replied as she nibbled on some toast, she knew that her boys were waiting for her back at the hotel.

Iker had wanted to speak privately with Fernando and Sergio while she was out but she knew they wouldn’t be long; Amelia sighed and looked at her daughter worried for her.

Amelia didn’t know why her daughter was dating three footballers and she knew that there was every chance that Alyssa would be hurt at some point by them.

Amelia trusted Alyssa completely and she hoped that her daughter knew what she was doing since if this got out then Alyssa would be the one to take the fall not the three footballers.

“Are you happy?” Amelia asked making Alyssa look at her confused, she hadn’t expected her mother to be so calm about who she was dating; she nodded as she stared at her mother who watched her closely.

The brunette didn’t delude herself into thinking her parents weren’t going to be worried about her, she knew it wasn’t the best situation but she was happy and she felt loved.

“I know this is strange Madre… but I am really happy with them,” Alyssa said as she smiled at her mother, hoping to comfort her in some small way; the footballers had made her feel so safe in the three weeks that they had been dating.

Amelia nodded her head, she had done a lot of thinking the night before and as long as Alyssa was happy then that was all that really mattered to her.

Alyssa was surprised that her mother was taking it so well, her mother had always been open-minded about things, but even Alyssa knew that this was pushing it.

There was no mother in the world that would want their daughter dating three men, even if they were handsome rich footballers; it just seemed really strange.

“So what are they like?” Amelia asked curiously making her daughter smile with her, they had always been close and the brunette was relieved that all was okay between them.


Sergio and Fernando stared at Iker, they couldn’t believe what he had told them; they watched him for a moment as they allowed his words to sink in about his strange new feelings for them.

“You’re falling for us?” Sergio said as if trying to make sure he had heard right his friend right, he wasn’t sure what to make of what had been said and it felt a little foreign to him.

Iker sighed as he nodded his head, he ran a hand through his hair as he moved to sit down on Fernando’s bed, his head dropping into his hands; he hadn’t slept well and he knew that it was clearly showing right now.

Fernando watched the older Spaniard, he sort of knew how Iker felt; he just didn’t know how to put it into words; it was so strange since he always preferred women over men.

“I don’t know what it is… when we all were with Alyssa last night it just felt right,” Iker said trying to explain, Fernando nodded along making Sergio look at him shocked.

The Sevillian knew what the other two were saying but he wasn’t sure about this either; it was so confusing and none of them seemed sure about what to think right now.

Fernando sighed and ran a hand through his blonde-brown hair, Alyssa had changed so much for them and it was worrying to think that their time together was running out.

“I can’t explain what it is but I feel complete when it’s us four,” Fernando admitted as he glanced at Iker, he knew that it wasn’t wrong to admit it now since Iker looked just as torn as he felt right now.

Sergio looked between Iker and Fernando, he knew what they were talking about but it was just weird; they were best friends this shouldn’t be happening to them.

Fernando licked his lips nervously as he stood and stepped towards Iker who watched him with curious eyes before Fernando kissed him catching the goalkeeper off guard; he wanted to see how it felt since it was all so confusing between them right now.

Iker was quick to return the kiss as Sergio stared at his two friend confused, this was certainly an unexpected turn and they needed to think about what they were doing.

Fernando pulled back from Iker, who rested his head against his; taking a deep breath the older Spaniard pressed another kiss to the Liverpool player’s lips.

It was clear that whatever was happening to them that they couldn’t stop it, whether it had something to do with them sharing Alyssa or something else they didn’t care.

Iker cupped Fernando’s neck and pulled him back into a kiss; holding him close, he glanced at Sergio who was watching them slightly turned on.


David sipped on his drink as he sat at the hotel bar, his eyes watching the footballers move about as he thought about what had happened.

David couldn’t help but admit that he felt relieved that Alyssa had Iker, Fernando and Sergio to look after her; he didn’t care that she was dating all three of them only that they had managed to keep her safe when he couldn’t.

“How are you?” Vicente asked as he sat down next to his son, he knew that everything had been crazy last night and he hadn’t gotten a chance to check in with any of his family after what had happened.

David glanced at his father knowing that he was a little annoyed that Alyssa refused to speak with him or acknowledge the fact that he was her grandfather.

“I’ve been better…” David said as he sipped on his drink, he watched Vicente order his own drink, the two men knew that there was so much left unsaid between them and a lot was to do with the small family that David now had.

It was strange to think of David as a father, it was still a new fact and Amelia was doing her best to keep the peace right now.

“Lo siento,” Vicente said as he looked at his son, he had played his part in keeping Amelia and the twins from him; he had helped Trinidad cover up the reason why Amelia had disappeared and pushed for his son to marry Miriam.

David eyed his father for a moment before he nodded his head, he knew that he wasn’t going to be so forgiving just yet but it would take a long time to fix the damage that had been done.

“I know… but it doesn’t change anything,” David whispered making Vicente sigh and look down at his drink, he knew that there was nothing he could do to change the past.

Trinidad had caused him to miss out on the twins growing up and only now did she care about those consequences; consequences that everyone was now forced to live with whether they liked it or not.

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