Chapter Four: The Agreement

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“Do you think she’ll say yes?” Sergio asked as he sipped on his coffee, it had been a day since they had asked Alyssa to become their joint girlfriend.

They understood that it had been a shock to her when they had asked and had given her time to wrap her head around what had happened.

Fernando shrugged his shoulders knowing that Alyssa had every right to say no to them, he didn’t want her too but if she didn’t feel comfortable enough then there was nothing that could be done to change her mind.

“I hope so,” Iker said as he smiled at Sergio, they all needed something good right now and if Alyssa agreed then she would be it.

The three footballers sat in silence as they wondered what they would do if she didn’t, there was still a very large chance that the brunette could turn them down.

Fernando messed with his drink as he thought about his life back in England, it was so stressful right now especially with the fact he and Olalla had broken up.

The footballer missed his little girl and knew that his ex-fiancée wasn’t going to fly out to South Africa with the ten month old, he would have to put up with speaking to her just over the phone when Olalla allowed it.

“Nando?” Sergio asked as he looked at his best friend, he knew that he had a lot on his mind and he worried for him; there were things that he hadn’t told about with anyone.

Fernando shook his head as he offered his friends a small smile, he knew that they had their own problems and he didn’t want to add to them.

Iker had been dumped by his reporter ex-girlfriend of a year and a half because she was tired of the backlash that she was constantly facing as his girlfriend.

While Sergio had also broken up with his reporter ex-girlfriend of a year, she had wanted very different things from him and it had caused them to break up.

“You know that you can talk to us,” Iker said as he offered Fernando a smile, he didn’t want his friend suffering in silence and he knew that it would be a while before any one of them were okay with their break-ups.

Fernando nodded his head as he ran a hand through his short brown hair, he had cut it took look more like a father and had only ended up looking more childlike.

“I’m just thinking about Nora,” Fernando admitted as he smiled softly, he loved his daughter so much and it had been difficult to leave her behind in Liverpool with her mother.

Olalla had promised to let him speak to her, but he didn’t hold much hope for that happening; she hadn’t been warm with him since they had broken up a few months ago.

Sergio and Iker shared a look knowing how much the infant meant to Fernando, he had been thrilled to become a father but it had been the final nail in the coffin of his relationship with Olalla.


Alyssa sighed as she took a sip of her hot chocolate, she couldn’t believe she was doing this but here she was sat waiting for the three footballers.

It had taken the brunette all night to think about what she was going to do and she had even done a list of pros vs. cons about what she should do.

However everything had come back to one thing and now Alyssa was sure that she could do this, she needed to do something for herself for once and she knew that it couldn’t hurt to give this a chance.

The brunette bounced her knee nervously as she sat in the café, she hadn’t known where else to meet them but she knew she didn’t want to do this at work nor did she want to do this in her apartment.

It had been a long night and Alyssa hadn’t really slept well, she’d had too much on her mind before she had decided to go ahead with this little agreement.

Alyssa took sip of her drink as Fernando and Sergio arrived, both of them glanced at the young brunette nervously; they were slightly surprised that she had asked to meet them.

“Hola Alyssa,” Sergio said as he sat across from her with a small smile of his face as he did so; Fernando rolled his eyes as he also sat down across from her.

They both knew that this could only be about what they had had asked her and the two footballer’s hoped that it was good news for them.

“Iker’s on his way,” Fernando said making Alyssa nod as she took another sip of her drink; the two men looked at her cautiously, they wondered what she thought about their proposal.

“Que?” Alyssa asked as they stared her, Sergio glanced at the door while Fernando chuckled and shook his head amused at her; she was a little nervous about this and she knew it wasn’t going to be easy.

“We’re just surprised that you asked to meet us… after how you reacted when we spoke yesterday,” Fernando said making her smile shyly at him; Alyssa chewed on her bottom lip as she glanced over to the door as if expecting someone to enter.

The brunette knew she wasn’t ever going to get used to this but she knew her relationship with them would only last for the tournament; after that she would never see them again nor would she be able to tell anyone what had happened between her and them.

“Well what did you expect, it’s not every day that a girl gets asked to date three professional footballers,” Alyssa replied making Sergio chuckle, as Iker entered the café and headed over to them with a confident smile on his face.

Alyssa watched as the eldest Spaniard sat down, she caught sight of the paper they wanted her to sign for her silence and agreement on what they were doing.

The brunette briefly wondered why Iker had brought it with him before she shook her head, she would have to sign it anyway when she told them that she agreed.

“Alyssa, what is this about?” Fernando asked as he leaned on the table while Sergio raised an eyebrow at Iker, who mumbled something that Alyssa didn't hear.

The trio were all hoping for the same thing and now they needed their answer, something that could go either way and they weren’t sure what Alyssa had to say about all of this.

“I would like to accept your proposal,” Alyssa said making the three footballers stare at her surprised, they hadn’t expected her to agree so quickly; it had barely been twenty-four hours since they had first asked her.

The footballers had all been prepared to wait at least a week since it was a big decision even if they were eager to begin things with the brunette.

“Are you sure about this?” Iker asked cautiously since he didn’t want her rushing into something that she could come to regret; this wasn’t something she could just change her mind about in a week or two. Fernando and Sergio watched Alyssa knowing that they were happy that

she had agreed, she just had to be sure about this before they allowed her to put pen to paper.

“I’m sure,” Alyssa said knowing that she wasn’t going to change her mind about this, there was no going back and she was sure that she could handle three boyfriends.

The brunette saw this as the perfect way to get over Rico after what he had done, she knew it wasn’t ideal but she couldn’t spend her life hiding in the shadows and it was time she did something for her.

Iker nodded his head as he eyed her for just a moment before he handed her the contract and non-disclosure agreement. Once she had signed the contract then she was legally theirs.

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