Chapter Ten: Shocking Discoveries

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Alyssa didn’t know what it was but Vicente was starting to annoy her, the manager always seemed to hover around her and had started to ask her about her family.

Monica had slowly become one of Alyssa’s closet friend and was more than happy to help her keep her relationship a secret.

Alyssa held back a groan as she noticed Vicente watching her with interest again, even Iker had commented on how much the manager had taken to watching her recently.

Fernando who was sitting closest to her on the airport bench looked at her concerned; the team were currently at Barajas Airport waiting for their flight to be called so they could leave.

“He’s watching me again,” Alyssa said making Fernando look over at Vicente, who quickly pretended to be busy with some paperwork that was on his lap.

The footballer sighed knowing that if their manager continued to watch Alyssa it would jeopardise their relationship; no one would understand if the secret came to light and would call the brunette a whore.

“You don’t think he knows?” Sergio asked making them all look at him; the four of them were sat in a small group talking away from the others and no one seemed to have guessed what was going on right now.

Shaking his head, Iker sighed knowing that Vincente’s sudden interest in Alyssa was worrying her; however Sergio looked at the brunette oddly as a thought occurred to him.

“You always talk about your madre, abuela and hermano; what about your padre?” Sergio asked making the brunette look at him; of all the things Sergio choose to mention it was that.

“I’ve never meet him… he left my madre when she was pregnant with me and Adam… so I’ve never meet him,” Alyssa said knowing that she had only really talked about this with Fernando.

The brunette brushed some hair from her face as Fernando looked at her, he didn’t want to upset her but he couldn’t help but be curious about her family; she had never said what her mother’s name was.

“What did you say your Madre’s name was?” Fernando asked, Alyssa looked at him as she wondered why he suddenly was so interested in her family; especially since she had told him on their first date.

“Amelia Silvera,” Alyssa replied as she peeked back at Vicente to catch him watching her again, she completely missed the look that the three footballers shot her until she turned back.

The three footballers didn’t know if they had heard Alyssa right but they only knew of one Amelia Silvera and if Alyssa was her daughter then it would explain why Vicente seemed so interested in her.

“What?” the brunette said looking at them all confused, before Monica called Alyssa away to discuss transport from the airport to their hotel in Durban.

As soon as the brunette was out of hearing range, Sergio looked at the other two as he felt panic fill him; he really hoped that this wasn’t what he thought it was since it could change everything.

“She couldn’t be right?” Sergio asked concerned as they glanced at Alyssa, he didn’t know how this would change things for them if Alyssa was related to that Amelia.

Iker sighed and shrugged most people knew about Amelia Silvera and David Del Bosque; she had just disappeared one day.

“When did Amelia disappear?” Fernando asked Iker, who sighed as he prayed what they had discovered wasn’t true; Vicente would kill them if he learnt that not one but three of his players were dating his granddaughter.

“Twenty two years ago…” Iker said making them all look at Alyssa who was twenty-one years old; they didn’t know what to do with this information but they knew it wasn’t fair to keep it from her.


Alyssa had known something had happened the moment she had told them her mother’s name; the brunette sighed wondering why her boyfriends were avoiding her.

The flight to Durban International Airport from Madrid was nine and a half hours in good weather conditions and Alyssa was sat next Monica who was reading her book.

“Maybe it’s just the pressure,” Monica said trying to comfort the young brunette who nodded, Alyssa sighed as the captain announced it was time for take-off.

Her boys were sitting in the same row next to each other away from her; she pulled out her own book after popping a boiled sweet into her mouth.

Soon the plane was in the air and people started to settle down for the long flight, Vicente was sat across the aisle from Alyssa and Monica; he watched the brunette for a moment.

“When do you get the DNA results?” José Antonio asked him, Vicente sighed offering a last glance at the brunette who was now intent on reading her book.

“In the next few days,” the older Spaniard said making José Antonio and looked at Alyssa; she looked just like her mother had when she was her age.

They both sat quietly for a moment as they thought about what was going on right now; this was dangerous territory for anyone.

“What will you do if she is?” José Antonio asked causing Vicente to sigh and look down at his book, he knew that he hadn’t thought that far yet but he would have to tell his son first.

“I’ll tell David first… let him know before I do anything,” Vicente said as they both looked at Alyssa; only the future could tell if she was actually David’s daughter.


Amelia Silvera had worked hard all her life to ensure two things; the first was that her children had everything they ever wanted and the second was that neither would ever discover the truth about their father.

After what had happened between her and David, she wanted nothing more than to protect the twins from the family that had turned their backs on her and broken her heart.

“I wonder what Vicente del Bosque is like?” Adam said out loud, making his mother stiffen as she prepared dinner; she forced a smile and looked back at him.

Amelia had stopped looking in on what Vicente and his family were doing after a few years and she honestly had no idea what any of them were doing now.

The brunette was focused completely on her small family and raising the twins now that she was all alone.

“I have no idea… why?” Amelia asked as her own mother walked into the kitchen; Amelia’s mother Addison had never approved of her daughter’s decision to raise her children on her own, even after what David had done to her.

“Alyssa gets to work for him on her internship,” Adam said, making the colour quickly drain out of Amelia’s face as she froze in her place as she realised that her worst nightmare was coming true.

Vicente might not have known that Alyssa was his son’s daughter but his wife certainly did and Amelia didn’t trust Trinidad for a moment not after what had happened.

Staring at his mother concerned, Adam carefully hurried to her side wondering what he had said to make his mother react in such away; his brown eyes filled with worry as a determined look filled Amelia’s face.

Amelia had no intentions of allowing that family to steal the twins away from her.

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