Chapter Twenty-Five: Secret Admirer

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Alyssa stared at the bouquet of beautiful red flowers that had arrived for her that morning and she knew that they weren't from her boyfriends since the flowers weren't their style.

Monica raised an eyebrow at the brunette who shrugged, she looked at the note before handing it to Monica who read it aloud knowing that she didn't know what to do.

"Can't wait to meet you... love Seven?" Monica said making Alyssa shrug as she tried to rack her brain, she knew it wasn't going to be any of the Spanish footballers; they knew better than to upset Iker, Fernando and Sergio.

 "It doesn't seem like Villa's thing," Monica said referring to the current Spanish number seven.

 Alyssa nodded, she knew that David wouldn't risk causing more trouble for the brunette not after what happened to Joan and Javi.

The pair had been sent back to Spain and dropped from the squad over what had happened and Alyssa wouldn't even be surprised if they never played for the national team again.

"I know... but this Seven keeps sending me stuff," Alyssa said as she handed Monica the other three notes that had all arrived in the last few days since her date with Iker.

The brunette hadn't told anyone about them since she didn't want anyone worrying over her secret admirer; she was sure if was just someone having a bit of fun.

 "Hope to see you were my colours one day, Seven... You look pretty today, love Seven... See you soon, love Seven... Alyssa, why didn't you tell anyone?" Monica asked concerned for her friend; she didn't want anything to happen to her and she wished that she had known sooner.

Alyssa sighed knowing that this was serious but she didn't feel threatened by the notes; and it wasn't like she went anywhere alone anymore after what had happened with Joan and Javi.


Cape Town Stadium was crowded as Alyssa made her way through the stands; her parents were in one of the boxes and had requested to see her before the game.

 The brunette sighed as she walked back down to the locker room, where the team was preparing; Monica had encouraged her to tell her boys about the notes, but as of yet she hadn't done it.

Alyssa jumped when she heard someone call after her as she hadn't been paying much attention to things around her; looking back the way she came, Alyssa noticed to of the Portuguese players watching her with interest.

"May we ask what a beautiful woman as yourself is doing down here?" Eduardo Carvalho asked as he approached the brunette. His friend, who Alyssa could now see was Pepe, followed after him warily as he eyed her curiously.

"I'm an intern for the Spanish team," she said making them nod, while Pepe glanced at Eduardo who was watching Alyssa with interest. It was clear that they knew something that she didn't and that there was a reason that they had come over to speak to her.

Eduardo nodded as he watched her for another moment before a smile formed on his face and he nodded at Pepe; he was pleased they had spotted Alyssa when they had.

"Perhaps you would like to join us after we win the game?" Eduardo offered making Pepe nod his head as they smiled at Alyssa, they knew who would be happy if she did.

The brunette shook her head and offered them a small smile, she knew that it wouldn't be a good idea since she worked for their rival team.

"No thank you..." Alyssa declined politely before she walked away from them and headed straight for the locker room where Sergio was waiting for her.

The Sevillian was glaring at the two Portuguese footballers, he had noticed how they looked at his girlfriend and he hadn't liked it.

"What did they want?" Sergio asked watching the two Portuguese leave and head back to their own locker room; he was sure that this was the least of their problems right now.

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