Chapter Thirty-Three: The World Cup Final

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Iker took a deep breath as he pulled on his goal-keeping gloves; he knew that this was it, this was the final of the world cup and he was nervous about how this would all play out.

The team around him were on edge and he didn't blame them, they had worked hard to get to where they were and Iker was proud of them all.

Iker furrowed his brow as he spotted Alyssa making her way towards him, she had a determined look on her face and it made him feel on edge.

"Alyssa?" Iker asked concerned before the brunette pressed a kiss to his lips, his hands quickly moved to wrap around her waist as she kissed him passionately.

Alyssa pulled away softly as she smiled up at him, Iker looked at her as he brushed some hair from her face; he didn't know what had brought this on but he was glad that she had done it.

"Good luck," Alyssa said making him smile before she slipped away from him, her search for the next of her three boyfriends beginning since she wanted to see all of them before the match.

Iker watched her disappear knowing she was looking for the other two as Victor Valdes chuckled and shook his head amused at the look on Iker's face.

"She's got you wrapped around her finger," Victor said making Iker nod in agreement as he smiled at his friend knowing that he was right and the footballer wouldn't have it any other way.

Sergio was pulling on his shirt as he stepped out of the locker room, he felt nervous about the impending match and he knew that if he messed up then he could cause his team to lose.

Sergio stopped what he was doing as he spotted Alyssa walking towards him, he had expected her to be in her seat with her parents and he worried that something was wrong.

Alyssa grabbed the front of his navy blue jersey top and pulled him into a kiss, the brunette wrapped her arms around his neck knowing that she was glad she came up with this idea.

Sergio moved to cup Alyssa face as she deepened the kiss, he smiled as she pulled away from him; she smiled up at him pleased with herself for doing this.

"Good luck," Alyssa said before she slipped from his grasp and headed off to find Fernando, she grinned knowing that Sergio was staring at her bottom and she swayed her hips a little knowing that she couldn't help but tease him.

Sergio swallowed as he shook his head, he couldn't believe that she had kissed him like that and he knew that whatever happened, he was glad she was his girlfriend.

It didn't take Alyssa long for her to find Fernando; he was talking with David Villa as he stretched, the Barcelona player smirked as he spotted the brunette making Fernando look at him confused.

It wasn't until Alyssa had wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled the Spaniard into a kiss that he realised who it was and he closed his brown eyes and wrapped his arms around her waist.

The footballer deepened the kiss as Alyssa held him close, however it didn't last long before she pulled away and smiled at him.

"Good luck," Alyssa said before she turned on her heel and walked away, she hoped that the team played well and she knew that her boys could do this.

David chuckled as he patted Fernando on the back before they headed out onto the pitch to start warming up; he had a feeling that his friend was going to be just fine after his split from Olalla.


Amelia smiled at her daughter as Alyssa joined her parents, she was grateful that her daughter had taken time off since her attack and she was pleased to see a more confident Alyssa than the last time that they had saw one another.

Though Amelia knew they were grateful for what Iker, Fernando and Sergio for what they had done for Alyssa; Amelia didn't like the fact she had been pushed out when her daughter had needed her most.

"How are the boys?" Amelia asked as Alyssa sat next to her mother, her brother Adam was wearing a Spanish Jersey and was talking with their father about the match.

The two had slowly warmed to one another in the last few days and Amelia was relieved about that since it was a good sign for her future since she would be marrying David in a few weeks' time.

"Nervous," Alyssa said as she watched the players warm up, she didn't know what she would do without them or what the future held with them.

The brunette had only just told her parents her plans for the future and living with her boyfriends, something that had seemed to rub David up the wrong way; he didn't want to lose his little girl so quickly after finding her.

Amelia nodded as she watched her daughter, she was happy that she had found the boys; they had made her daughter happy and that was all she cared about.

"We're having the wedding in two weeks," Amelia said with a smile; they had decided that the wedding could wait until they returned to Spain since there was still a lot to organise.

Alyssa nodded as she watched Iker stretch, she had to admit she loved that the boys had to wear shorts for the games; her mother rolled her eyes at her daughter knowing that Alyssa wasn't paying her any attention.


The final whistle blew and Alyssa blinked back tears as the team celebrated, the match had gone into extra time and it was only the goal from Andres Iniesta that had won the match for Spain.

The brunette swallowed heavily as she hugged her parents, she was so happy right now and she knew that everyone would be so happy about what had just happened.

Fernando had clearly injured himself in the final moments of the match and it did worry Alyssa what had happened since he'd only had knee surgery several weeks before the world cup campaign had started.

"They did it," Alyssa said relieved that it had worked out, she hadn't known what she was going to do if Spain hadn't won, she had been frightened that it would go down to penalties.

The brunette knew that was the last thing that they wanted to happen but it had only been saved by Andres, who had managed to score; the match had seemed to drag on in its nil-nil state for the entire match before that.

"Go... go and congratulate them," Amelia said as she ushered her daughter away, she knew where Alyssa wanted to be and she couldn't deny her this; this was a moment to be celebrated.

The brunette smiled at her mother move and kissed her cheek before she hurried away with Monica, she still couldn't believe that Spain had won the world cup.

Amelia smiled as she watched her daughter leave, she had never seen Alyssa like this and she knew that she was so happy for her daughter.

David wrapped his arm around her knowing that their little girl was all grown up and as much as they would want to protect her, she now had Iker, Fernando and Sergio to do that for her.

"So do you think they'll come to the wedding?" David asked as he pressed a kiss to his fiancée's cheek, he smiled at her knowing that in two weeks he would make everything right with her and the twins.

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