Chapter Twenty-Seven: Little Minx (Smut)

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Fernando smiled at Alyssa as they stumbled into her hotel room, the couple barely pulling apart so that he could close the door behind them.

"Lay down," Fernando said making her nod back at him as she slipped out of her clothes from their date; Fernando smirked as he looked at her purple mix balconette bra and matching thong that she was wearing underneath.

Alyssa smiled at him as she strolled towards him, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed his lips; she slowly started to help him out of his shirt.

Fernando furrowed his brow as Alyssa smirked at him, as she pushed him onto the bed and moved to straddle him; quickly pulling his under shirt over his head and allowed him to touch the skin of her thighs that were barely covered.

Fernando shook his head as he stared at her chest before finally looking back up at her face; he was a little confused about her actions and he knew that Sergio and Iker had been teaching her a lot of things.

"Amor?" he asked, his face slightly flushed because of how turned on he actually was, he wasn't even embarrassed about how aroused he was right now.

Alyssa smirked as she pushed him back on the bed so his head was lying on a pillow; she reached under it and felt around until she felt the cool metal on her fingertips.

It was only a second later that she pulled them out and Fernando saw them; Alyssa smirked at him as he swallowed, she was aware that Iker had used them on Fernando.

"Where did you get those?" Fernando asked as he stared at his girlfriend, he tried to fight back the blush that threatened to reveal itself at the memories of being handcuffed to Iker's bed.

Alyssa smiled as she brushed her lips against his, as she took one of his hands and cuffed it to the bed knowing that this was going to be an interesting night.

"I burrowed them from Iker," Alyssa said as she cuffed the other hand to the bed as well as she straddled him, the footballer nodded knowing that the older man was currently out on a date with Sergio.

Fernando tried to initiate a kiss, but she pulled away and pushed herself to sit up on his torso; the Spaniard frowned at her as she smiled at him as she scooted down his body to sit on his stiffening member.

Fernando's mouth hung opened as Alyssa started grinding against it and she watched as his hands balled up into fists and he started straining against the cuffs, wanting nothing more than to touch her.

It wasn't until Alyssa heard him grunt that she stopped her ministrations and ran her hands down her warm body, Fernando's eyes were closed and his head was thrown back in pleasure.

"Okay, I don't think the handcuffs are such a good idea anymore," Fernando said quickly, still straining wanting to touch her. Alyssa couldn't help but to let out a giggle before raking her nails through the little trail of hair leading into his jeans knowing that she was teasing him.

"There's no way you're getting out of these before I have my way with you," Alyssa teased as she smiled sweetly down at Fernando as she watched him curious about what he would do next.

Alyssa relished in the feeling of his stomach muscles tightening up under her touch and leaned down to kiss the heated skin of his neck.

The brunette moved and pushed her body against his as her kisses trailed lower and finally she heard a moan erupt in the back of his throat.

Once the brunette got to Fernando's chest, she circled her tongue around one of his nipples, causing him to grunt again and Alyssa immediately pulled away.

When she looked back down at him, his eyes were closed so she took the liberty in reaching down and unbuttoning his jeans before letting the zipper slip down.

Fernando's eyes opened and he looked down at Alyssa from where he lay at the head of the bed, he let out a whimper as she purposefully pushed her opened mouth against the hard bulge in his pants and slightly sank her teeth into it.

"Dios, what have they been teaching you?" Fernando panted as he looked down at her; he had a few ideas of what their other two boyfriends had been doing with her and he had no idea when his girlfriend had become a little minx.

Alyssa proceeded to pull his jeans down his legs and discard them along with his socks before returning to his boxers; she cupped him in her hand and squeezed before he bucked against her.

The brunette could still hear him trying to break free from the handcuffs before she finally reached into his boxers and pulled his erection out.

Fernando gasped lightly when her fingers finally came into contact with his hot flesh and it didn't take Alyssa long at all to place soft kisses along the base making him whimper.

When Alyssa finally got to the head of his dick, she started experimenting with it; digging her nails against the places where she had already left kisses as she blew at the bead of pre-cum waiting on his slit to be devoured, all while Fernando whined and whimpered beneath her.

Alyssa looked up at him as she took him in her mouth, just like he wanted and his entire face contorted in pleasure.

The brunette took in his taste and smiled around his cock before biting down slightly with her front teeth at first; when he threw his head back, Alyssa knew he liked it and she did it again, only this time she placed his head in between my back teeth and gnawed lightly.

Fernando pulsed in her mouth and she knew he was close to exploding so that's when she let him slip from her lips with a loud slurp causing him to shiver beneath her.

Fernando pleaded silently, still wanting her to let him go so he could have his way with her, but it wasn't going to work that way this time.

Alyssa got off of him before her thoughts could get the better of her and his eyes followed her every move as she reached behind herself to slip her bra off of my shoulders.

Fernando licked his lips as it fell to the ground and Alyssa slipped off her tong quickly before walking around to the other side of the bed; she smiled at her boyfriend knowing that she was a little excited right now.

"What do you want, Fernando?" Alyssa purred lightly as she crawled up next to him; she was giving him a chance to tell her what he wanted.

As soon as the words left her lips he smirked, his ego coming back just before she predicted what he was going to say; Fernando knew what he wanted and he was going to get it one way or another.

"Un-cuff me Lissa," Fernando said, his voice stronger than it had been; she watched him for a moment before Alyssa let her hands fish for the key that was also under the pillow as he started thrusting his hips up against hers.

Once the brunette finally found the key, it didn't take much to un-cuff Fernando's hands, and once Alyssa did, they immediately found her waist as he flipped them over so that he pinned her to the bed.

Fernando gave her a sly grin as he switched their positions and cuffed her to the bed before she had anything to say about it.

The footballer looked excited to finally have Alyssa right where he wanted her, and once one of his hands ran down her arms and stopped at one of her breasts, she sighed as his fingers began to work on her.

Fernando's lips quickly found hot flesh and just as he started sucking, he parted Alyssa's legs with his own all while holding himself above her with one of his arms.

The brunette groaned underneath him, knowing she would have some serious marks in the morning, but still just let him do what he wanted.

"You shouldn't have tied me up nena, now I'm all worked up," Fernando mumbled against her skin as his lips sank lower down her body.

Alyssa whimpered in response as his lips closed around my nipple, she wasn't entirely listening to what he was saying; she was focused on his pulsing member that was leaking against her thigh.

Fernando pulled away from Alyssa and looked down at her, she moaned as he rubbed his head against her entrance and her looked down the moment he did; watching him take a hold of the long, slightly purpled dick as he slipped on a condom for protection.

Alyssa held back a moan as he slipped inside, Fernando stopped momentarily to sit up on his knees before hooking his arms around her thighs to wrap her legs around his waist, and after she complied, he didn't waste a moment.

The footballer held onto her hips tightly as he began drilling her relentlessly, he threw his head back, whimpering and yelling to no one in particular as she moved her hips against his, giving him what she knew he wanted.

Alyssa strained against the handcuffs circling her wrists as his pace began to slow; she looked up at him questioningly and saw him quickly let her loose before flipping them over.

"Ride me... hard," Fernando told her, Alyssa didn't need to be told twice; she leaned forward and started lifting herself and dropping back down again.

Alyssa felt his heated skin rub against her clit and moaned before moving faster while chanting his name. Fernando's hands knotted into her hair as his girlfriend rode him and he pulled her head back as her moans became strangled.

Alyssa felt his teeth and lips attacking the tender flesh of her neck, but she still didn't stop her continuous actions all the way up and down his cock. Hearing Fernando moan her name against her neck pushed her over the edge as she felt him shoot his load inside of her.

Alyssa called his name out in turn while they both trembled and shook as their fingers latched on to each other desperately; they knew that there was a chance that someone had heard them and they didn't care.

Once the feeling in the pit of her stomach was over, Alyssa gradually slowed to a stop after Fernando let go of her hair and offered her a weak smile as he tried to catch his breath.

Alyssa sighed against the side of his face, exhaustion washing over her as she pulled herself away to look at him; Fernando had a lazy smile on his face making the brunette smile as she pressed a kiss to his lips.

Alyssa felt Fernando chuckle against her before pulling away and laying her down underneath him, not even bothering to pull out of her; he knew that it would be a while before he was truly ready to let her go.

"I love you," Fernando said making the brunette look at him, she pressed a kiss to his lips; she knew that whatever happened when her contract was over that she would always have the memories.

The footballer moved a little so that he could remove the condom before he lay down beside Alyssa exhausted at what had just happened.

"I love you too," Alyssa said as she cuddled into Fernando's arms and closed her brown eyes, she felt tired and she knew that they both had an early morning the next day.

Fernando turned off the lights and stared up at the ceiling as his mind replayed what had just happened, he swallowed as he listened to Alyssa's breathing even out.

The sooner that they spoke to Alyssa about her contract the better, he didn't want to lose her and he knew that they had to act quickly. 

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