Chapter Twenty-Four: A Little Different (Smut)

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Alyssa took a deep breath as she watched Iker from her seat on his bed, she was dressed in her black lace detail satin robe; she knew that things would be different as she watched him sort through his suitcase looking for something.

"You sure about this?" Iker asked as he looked back at the brunette, he swallowed knowing that this was a lot to ask of her and he didn't want to pressure her or scare her away.

Alyssa nodded her head as she continued to watch Iker curious, she was willing to try for him and she knew all the safety words that he had put in place.

"You remembered the safe words?" he asked her making the brunette nod as she stared at the black leather cuffs that he held; Iker watched her for a moment before she repeated them back to him.

They had used some basic codes for what was about to happen; Red would stop what they were doing, Orange would pause or slow down what was happening and Green would mean everything was okay.

Iker signalled for Alyssa to remove her black satin robe and move back onto the bed, he swallowed at the lavender bra and panties that she was wearing under it.

Once Alyssa was in place, Iker walked over to her and carefully handcuffed her to the bed; his breathing heavy as he trailed his hands along her arms once she was in position.

"Colour?" Iker asked making Alyssa look at him through her eyelashes, she was surprised just how much this was affecting him and they were only just getting started.

"Green," Alyssa replied calmly making him nod, she watched him as he moved back across the room; the brunette watched as he pulled out some condoms before he moved back to her.

"Relax," Iker told her as he held up a piece of black material, Alyssa watched him intently wondering what he was doing; she was new to all of this and she couldn't help but feel interested.

Leaning forward Iker placed the material over Alyssa's eyes before stepping back, he was a little nervous about what he was going to do with his girlfriend right now.

"Colour?" Iker asked her again as she took a deep breath; he didn't want to freak her out after what had happened with Joan and Javi, he knew that he would have to take things slow and careful.

"Green," Alyssa said, she found it slightly arousing that she was handcuffed and blindfolded to the bed; Iker nodded knowing that she was slightly nervous.

Alyssa felt light fingers against her rib cage making her stomach flip as she wondered what Iker was going to do to her; his hand trailed down her stomach as if trying to calm her nerves.

Alyssa closed her brown eyes and focused on the fingers that traced over her stomach, Iker moved towards her bra before he slowly climbed onto the bed to join her.

Reacting on instinct, Alyssa reached out to the source of heat but her cuffs halted the movement before it could ever begin. Alyssa whimpered in frustration and squirmed impatiently; Iker chuckled lightly allowing his breath to puff across her bare chest in amusement.

"Who is in charge here, Alyssa?" Iker asked making her furrow her brow as Iker started to suck gently on her neck to leave a mark; she tried to concentrate on his words though it was difficult.

"You are," she breathed making Iker nod as his lips moved down her neck; he couldn't resist letting everyone know that she was spoken for even if they couldn't know that she was his girlfriend.

"That's right. Me and what is your role?" Iker asked tracing his lips along her collarbone; Alyssa shifted nervously as his fingers danced along the bra she was wearing making her want more.

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