Epilogue: Two Weeks Later

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Iker smiled as he sipped on his glass of champaign, his brown eyes watching his girlfriend of eight weeks as she spoke with her brother.

The footballer hadn’t taken his eyes off of her all evening and he knew that there were a lot of single men wishing to steal her away from the night.

“She looks beautiful,” Sergio mused as he sat down beside Iker, he knew why his boyfriend hadn’t looked away from Alyssa and he didn’t blame him for a moment.

Fernando nodded his head as he glanced over at the brunette, she was wearing a navy bandeau midi dress paired with silver heeled sandals; he was glad that they were able to keep an eye on her.

“So who gets first dance?” Sergio teased as he turned to look at the other two, he knew Fernando wouldn’t be doing much dancing because of his groin injury but it didn’t hurt to ask.

Iker snorted amused knowing that Alyssa was going to have her work cut out for her if she wanted to keep up with Sergio; it had been weeks since the world cup and the Sevillian was still excited.

“I think that will be me,” Iker said as he got to his feet, he had spotted one guest getting a little too comfortable with his girlfriend and he didn’t like it.

The footballer walked away ignoring the grins from Fernando and Sergio, he knew they’d find some way of entertaining themselves for a while.

Alyssa chewed on her lip as spotted Iker approaching, her brown eyes flickered to the man that was now trying to get her number; she snorted a little amused knowing that this would be interesting.

“I’m just going to cut in here,” Iker said simply as he took his girlfriend’s hand, he flashed a smug smile at the man trying to flirt with her before he led her away. Alyssa laughed softly shaking her head, she glanced back at the man that was now glaring after Iker and her.

Iker chuckled as he twirled Alyssa around and pulled her close, he knew that the man would try again but he doubted that he would get a chance to with Fernando and Sergio around.

“I think you broke his heart,” Alyssa teased as she smiled up at him, she’d had a feeling that he had been watching them for a while and she was sort of happy that he had come to them when he had.

Iker shook his head amused as he slowly danced with Alyssa, he knew that he was glad that he had; he didn’t trust another men around his beautiful girlfriend.

“I should warn you… Sergio’s waiting for a quick song to dance with you,” Iker said as he held Alyssa close, he couldn’t believe how everything had fallen in to place and he knew that Sergio wouldn’t waste a moment in dragged her to the dance floor to show off his moves.

Alyssa raised an eyebrow at Iker, she had seen the Sevillian’s dance moves when they had celebrated the world cup win; she had a feeling she was going to need rescuing.

“Gracias for the warning,” Alyssa said as they moved around the dance floor, the last two weeks had been madness and the brunette was suddenly glad that everything had been done with.

Since returning from the world cup, Alyssa had moved to Madrid from her home in Castile-La Mancha, helped her mother plan her very hurried wedding and had moved in with her three boyfriends.

It had all seemed like a blare and Alyssa was glad that for another couple of weeks that she had time to relax; she wouldn’t start her new internship until the season started and even that was approaching faster than she would like.


David cleared his throat as he interrupted Alyssa’s dance with Sergio, he held back a chuckle at the relieved look on his daughter’s face knowing that the Sevillian was a bundle of energy.

“May I cut in?” David asked as he held out his hand to Alyssa, he looked at Sergio who nodded knowing that he wasn’t going to stop him from dancing with his daughter; he stepped back to allow David to take over before he headed off to the bar.

Alyssa smiled softly as she looked at her father, she knew her mother was really happy and she was sure that everything would work out for them this time; they deserved it after all they had been through.

“You know you can come home at any time?” David said as they slowly danced, he wasn’t pleased that his daughter was living with two men for the majority of the year; he wanted her at home with him and her mother, something that he knew wouldn’t happen.

Alyssa nodded her head as she smiled at him, she knew that she would never be able to walk away from what she had with the three footballers; Iker, Fernando and Sergio were what she wanted and she was doubted that anything was going to change that.



Author's Note:

Thanks to everyone who read, commented and rated this story. I couldnt have done it without any of you.

Keep an eye out for the second book in this trilogy.

Book 1: It's Time for AfricaWhere stories live. Discover now