March 7, 2018

87 20 11

Dear Diary,

You might have been wondering why I haven't been writing.

To put it simply, I was devouring the patriarchy. 

Also, I got a fluffy white cat and his name is Professor Higgenbottoms.

He has his own wardrobe of ties and like to wear half-moon glasses.

He is also part of my interviewing process.

I've learned that the interviewees get much more nervous when Professor is there, and watching them squirm is hilarious.

Also, Joey says hi. His journal got eaten by a bear. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation, but he's too busy putting different colors of ties on my cat to tell me.

My cat is now my son and will get everything in the will. Mokuba gets nothing but a post-it note that says "Shut up, mokuba".

K bye




Hi! It's been ages! Sorry, college is just so much.

I've gotten tons of people wanting me to come to their company to work, and I've just been so busy looking at benefits, salary offers, and locations. Hectic.

I graduate in May! Cool huh?

bE PrOuD oF mE I WorKed so HaRd


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