February 10, 2016

321 38 6

Dear Diary,

Here are the things I have thought of during math class due to Nicki Minaj and boredom:

"My anaconda will consider it"

"My anaconda in light of the situation has in fact discovered it does not."

"I am sorry if my anaconda's decision has inconvenienced you. I will save your files for future reference, however."

"I am sorry, but my anaconda is not. My anaconda don't."

Next chapters include:

"My Anaconda Has Had Thought"

"My Anaconda Does"

"My Anaconda Wishes For A Small Break"

"My Anaconda Misses You"

"My Anaconda Is Happy You Are Back"

"My Anaconda Gets His Heart Broken"

"My Anaconda With Cancer"

"My Anaconda: Heaven Bound"

"My Anaconda Waits For You But Then You Go To Hell Whoops"

"My Anaconda Moved On"

"My Anaconda Paying His Student Loans After Many Years"

"My Anaconda, Working As A Dishwasher At Applebees"

"My Anaconda, Living On The Streets In a Chinese Takeout Box"

"My Anaconda, Kidnapped By A Chinese Man Who Thought It Was His Food"

"My Anaconda, Grilled And Digesting"

"My Anaconda, The Way Out"

Next, "The Little Salamander"

-Seto Kaiba

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