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If only you've seen what I've seen,

You would know this world is crazy,

Filled with drug induced accidents,

Children's death because of a sadness

That was created by a father who swore he wasn't an addict

Created by a mother who was never really there,

And a brother who loved none other than the devil himself

Trapped in a room with pedophiles given jobs

To rape your children who kill other children

And deem them sorrowful,

Where mental illness is brushed off as fake,

And people scratch their heads as to why someone would kill another.

A woman turns a man stone cold

And a man makes a woman sour

Fist fulls of hair pulled from an angry mother

And crying spells from an abusive father.

We grow like tumbleweeds and smoke the dirt around us,

We see beauty and shut it down,

A smiling face is questioned and a sad one turned away,

Will humanity change some day?

Weakened (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now