Mumbles of Gratitude

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A smile for a stranger

A person who does not know you or your story

A heart that does not stop beating

Because no matter what day someone feels like giving up

A smile breaks

A day that could have been worse starts wonderful,

A broken heart from a mind that thinks way too much

The world isn't a bad place

A buzz,

A continuous buzz of gratitude

For which is not necesarry but much appreciated

And my eyes are pools of grass for which I allow others to roam,

But you do not know the color of my eyes

But you know the pain that lurks in them

I have many shortcomings

I am not saint

But dammit I am a sucker for those who didn't deserve such a fate

I didn't know a love belonged in this ugly world

A didn't know a message could make me fall apart

Take refuge in me.

I'll be your safe place when the world is against you

Because I am all you can do

When you dont belong

When the world is against you

When everything is so


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