Friendship Flame

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I'm losing my pretty little mind

Over a pretty little girl

I'm losing my pretty little mind

Over a pretty little bitch

I'm losing my pretty little mind

Over green eyes

I'm losing my pretty little mind over red roses

I'm losing my pretty little mind over a petty little whoreee

I am

What she said

And fists she balled

I threw up red


Red roses

I'm losing my pretty little mind over a phone screen

I don't like to be mean

But I'm losing my pretty little mind

Over a girl who would not have my time

I'm losing my pretty mind

Over a girl and sunflowers

A girl and cats

A girl and smiles

And a room that smells like cat


I'm not being mean

I am sorry

I got really angry

You confided in me

And I in you

You turned your back

And bruised me blue

I am not angry

I am in pain

I lost a friend I thought I gained

And like always

You blew out the friendship flame

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