Fire Hearth

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I am in pain

I am in pain

My thoughts exude like the pouring rain


I face this road of past lovers and interests

I am in pain

I don't want to remember how quickly you would have left

But I would only feel free in death

Look with your lightning eyes

At the words, they're my disguise

I'm fading and it's because of you!

I know, but you hurt me too!

And the past is drowning me

Worse than your eyes did

I'll grasp onto a tree of eyes pure green

I'll be afloat for awhile

Maybe I can breathe again

I can't look to the sky because it reminds me of your eyes,

I can't look into the river

It reminds me of the picnics we had

The tree is emaciated and it has but a few leaves

And still for some reason it carries me

It carries me to a warm hearth,

A place where love glows a soft pink like lips,

But not like the lips you kissed me with,

Everything reminds me of you expect this place,

This voice of courage that I seek to hear

A voice that rings in my bleeding ears

It's crazy because you know I'm dying

And you still left me to drown

And you came to a face you never known

And you became a group of sickening worms

All my heart ever did was ache for you

All my lips did was crave you,

My hands stayed soft for your hands,

My body stayed warm under the water to remind me of your body

But why is this blazing fire

Filled with love and green eyes,

Pink lips and chiseled branches

Why is this blazing fire so warm?

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