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...I dreamed of a day where it didn't hurt to stay

I longed for my dream to be reality

I was living in a fantasy

Thinking we were okay

And I cried out that day

But you said we were okay

I am not okay

What you did was not okay

I feel shattered and broken

And this feeling is all too familiar

But damn it's hard to forget you when your blanket warms me

I want to get back at you

But I know it solves nothing

Fire is not fought with fire

Because then flames get higher

And the fire injures and kills

So you douse the fire

And you try and breathe fresh air

And I was delusional

You were the fumes I was breathing

But I have to breathe fresh air

I'm not mad

I am hurt

I am wounded

And you didn't realize a good thing when you had it

And now

You lost it

Weakened (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now