oh no you don't

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Oh no you don't


I can't believe I'm here

Got my first paycheck as the rain clouds near

I'm scarred from the night I chased you around in the dark

I reached my fingertips out but was only met with the sound of your giggles

And my knee was pretty happy

The blood trickled slowly down but that's okay

You were quick as lightning and you bandaged me up

Oh no you don't


I'm fine. No, babe really, I'm fine

My happiness is wisps is smoke clouds in the air,

The feeling of my fingers in your hair

Oh no you don't


Looking at those brown eyes

Oh no you don't



No one wants you happy

You see everyone is there for your struggle

But your lips are sealed when my darkness begins to shine

Without him I'm fine

There's a fine line between moving on and holding on

I crossed the path and now I'm moving on

You don't want me to be in love

Oh no you don't




You just wanted me to want you because you're lonely and you've pushed everybody far away

And I was done

Oh no you don't




Don't tell them the truth or he'll come for you

A smile is sickening during the night

You'd hold me close and hold me tight

But during the day I had to fight

Fight to stay alive

Fight to survive

Fight to love when everything hurts

But I'm happy now

Oh no you don't

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