Human Race

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I absolutely hate

How the human race

Pretends like they're so full of grace

But they can scream in another's face

Get angry because they aren't saved

Laugh because someone doesn't like steak

Or be hateful when they have feelings for another race,

For being disgusted others are anything but straight

I am sick of the stares

Sick of seeing tongues down ones throat about how which president is a bigot

Sick of seeing teens hate because one was raped

And the rapist was not the victim, no,

That girl that you called a whore was,

Yes, that girl that you called a whore was raped,

But now she has consensual sex to escape the pain

The memories, a want of feeling in control

That boy you hit while he was running away from you,

His dad just died, he was lashing out and hurt,

And his mom was a heavy drinker, bet you didn't see the bruise on his cheek before you hit him in the same spot

But I bet you didn't care about the girl that smoked pot in the bathroom stall

To avoid the thought of being stalked by an ex

And you didn't care about those with scars along their arms, clear as day, cutting to take the pain away,

But you noticed the girl who cut her breasts, she didn't feel like a real man,

Because that's who she felt she was,

You noticed the two boys kissing,

You noticed the guy that wore makeup,

You noticed the people who didn't like your president,

Who disagreed with you on Facebook,

Who posted their beliefs on Instagram,

How disgusting that girl looks with that guy.

I sometimes hate

The human race.

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