Security Rooms

10 1 0

For some reason I resent this smell

It smells like slick oily skin that looks so terrifying

Like a thumb stuck out in a crowd

I am in a crowded room,


I need to remember they're all going through things too,

And that I, am just as valuable as they am,

And they,

Yes. They are just as valuable as me

And while it smells like a distant memory that I can't say I remember

(But highly resent)

I remember that this will be a memory,

Or something that I may not even remember

I am one pin in the world but if there are enough pins

Maybe.. maybe we can leave a crack

Even in this crowded room,

Full of people, they somehow make beautiful conversations with each other

And they smile even though they may be going through hell,

The world isn't all bad...

But when someone smiles at a baby,

Or can giggle at a sound he made,

Or can giggle for an unfortunate circumstance that may actually keep them in this crowded room for longer

My humanity is filled,

Even if ever so slightly

A smile

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