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I will not feign innocence

I know I've done wrong

But I fixed them

And put my faith in a ghost

And the trust I put in his hands slipped through

And he spoke words, angered,

That only I could hear

I took bullets and stab wounds

But he is the ghost anyway

Disappear without a trace

Say that I'm his saving grace

But then he kept pushing me away

I feel like I'm fading

I put my love in ashes blown from  cigarette smoke

I gave my heart to a bed of nails

I saw an ocean of love

But I wasn't expecting the tidal wave

I wound up drowning

He throws a life raft

Pulls me in and throws me again

My fingers ache for him

My body struggles to keep warm

I am slinked back into the cold

I shiver and find my own warmth

Then I look in the mirror and remember what I was told

That everything was wrong

How much better I would look

Without the extra pounds

And I still want him

But I'm so afraid

I'll drown

Weakened (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now