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When you're gone it's like my chest is a hollow shell

And my heart sounds like pangs of rusty metal against my chest

I've never felt this

I can't explain this

My blood pumps in each of my fingertips

But my fingertips only think about the way your hands laced in mine

I know you'll be back tomorrow

But I miss your presence

I keep staring at the brown things

I compare them to your eyes

But nothing is as brown as the nights we shared together

A smile tore all my walls down

A hug made me feel like I would be okay

I never thought love was this way

It's been six hours since your last message

But I don't feel like you're with another girl

Because when you look at me I melt completely

And you look at me as if I'm so beautiful

And I smile

Because you really love me

Weakened (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now