My Truth

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Am I broken?

Is there supposed to be a pain in this chest?

There was a light that once shone brighter within me

But I think you smashed the bulb

And there was a sparkle in my eye

But I think that was robbed from me

I was happy I was free

I wish I could pour some vodka down my throat

To get the taste of you off my lips;

I wish I could smell garbage

Rather than old cigarettes

I wish I could hear music

That I don't compare to your voice

I wish I could sing louder

To drown out these piercing screams

I wish that a midnight star

Didn't look like the ones I cried to

When we argued

I wish I could push past all the problems

You have

And I have

We tried to mesh sadness and anger to create a masterpiece

But I look at the artwork we created

But it looks like the blood and tears that were shed

A war of two opposites trying to love

But repel

I think of your hands in her hair and then your hands in mine

I think of the sqeak of the tires at 10 pm, in the back of a church

I think of how my stomach churns and tears prick at my eyes

But I don't let them spill.

I think of how you looked at a young woman,

Wondered how you thought of her.

I feel disgusted.

But I don't vomit.

I think of how you flirted with person after person while I was away

I feel pain,

I don't let it show

Tears prick at my eyes,

But I don't let them flow.

I remember how she kissed me when she shouldn't have, how awful I was for kissing back

I remember how I walked away from you because I knew what would happen

And it did

I remember how I left you

Got hurt and found solace in a good person,

He hurt you

I left him

And when I knew you would give me hell, you did.

Do you like big lips?

Do you like dark skin?

Or do you like a skinny blonde?

Do you like thicker girls?

Or do you like short skimpy ones who will spread their legs for anyone?

Or are you just desperate for attention from anyone who will give it to you?

Not to be rude but I'm feeling hurt

Sorry, I'm a bitch for saying that, right?

I'm not supposed too feel,

I am too emotional.

But when I should feel emotion I go stone cold.

I am rusted shut from mountain dew poured over my joints

I am made of tin, I am easily dented.

But what are you?

I feel you are made of glass shards,

When you hug or try to love you make someone bleed because of what you are,

But when someone hurts you,

You shatter completely.

What would I be?

I am strung up on guitar strings made up of the hair I cut off

And like everyone else you love to play me

But I'm not an asshole,

I'm trying to express how I feel

But sorry, I'm a piece of shit too.

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