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Another rainy day

A souless smile to those who pretend

And I am a pretender.

I squeeze myself into places where I do not fit,

A place where I am an outcast.

And I say I belong but I swear I look like a sore thumb,

I look like a tall man in a women's club

And I tell myself that's where I should be

And I still push myself until I am slingshotted

And thrown into another place

But everything feels so wrong

And nothing feels right

Maybe that's what keeps me up at night

My silent screams to belong

My begs and pleas for someone new,

But I still stick out

I am a cold color in a sea of warm colors,

I am a midnight snow in the middle of June,

I am a sunny day during a hurricane

And they all look like sunny beaches,

Warm spring nights and parties with friends

While I am as cold as ice in July

I try to break from this chain I have created for myself

But there's nowhere to call home

I just don't want to be


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