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I remember when you tried to make my heart skip a beat

And I turned away because my fingers were laced in another shoe that fits just right;

And now you take the place of someone who's glass slippers are cracked

But your shoes are made of lava because you leave a molten trail behind you

And your lips are sealed with cuts you put there,

And when you put the knife in my hand and fled the scene

And everyone is blaming it on me

And your smile is sewn tight by glass strings that you stole from the slippers

And my hair is as short as your temper

And I'm waiting for you to crumble and fall

Because unlike her I see it all

And I think it's funny

Because my heart is a stone but I took it out to throw it at your ungodly head

But you dodged the fuckin' stone and it hit her instead

And I apologize but you grin because you've won

And I am left in the dust

Because your intent was not to fix her shoes

But to steal them and sew up your fake smile

Weakened (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now