Sun Drops

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My eyes are surrounded by red cities of parallel universes,

But in this universe my head touches the clouds and our hands are like a lace dress,

And your touch is like silk, and I breathe you in like the inhale of an afternoon rain,

And the heat that radiates from your eyes like the moons glow,

And I got wound up in grass shoes and saliva,

And the flicker of a flame on the end of paper,

And it crinkles like the lines on your forehead when you play guitar chords

And the sounds remind me of the hum of your lips under the sun

And the splash of your eyes, in the deepest seas

And your smile soaks up the sun and for a moment I am compelled to walk towards the light

And you blind me

Because I am darkness in this universe

But for a moment, I touch the clouds

And I feel your sunny smile

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