Painting Truths.

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I told the truth

And I was shut down

By a face I remembered in the glow of christmas lights

And you listened 

and you don't believe me now

because he's right by your side

my demons claw at my throat

I'm spitting up blood

I can't scream loud enough for you to hear

the truth bleeds out of my veins

I can't believe I'm here again

I wouldn't lie

But my smile is shifty 

I know I can fake it well

because I'm always okay

but this time I am drowning


you're not even here to deceive me

but I'm hanging from guitar strings 

and your laughter rings in my ears

I'm damaged from you

but I'm the bad guy for trying to move on

I'm trying to let go

but you know how hard I hold on to my trauma 

Maybe she was right

I need to change my smirk

I'm not crazy I promise

and no I wasn't lying 

I'm sorry you don't believe me

but I know what happened 

God knows

And my silence rings in your ears

and you get away with it again

I know I am not just the victim 

I know i wronged you too,

that speaks like the smoke out of my mouth 

from cigarettes you loved to smoke

just be happy instead of consumed

but I want to take my life

all this shit is too much

and his arms are too far away 

because of an attempted murderer

because of my own actions

I'm falling into depression again

don't let me paint

but I think

I will

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