Daddy and I

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I've walked hundreds of miles

Only to take a step

But now I'm making progress

And I'm not ready to rest

Saw my dad get arrested

And now I feel traumatized

From all the pills he hid in his wallet

And all the times he stomped on me

With his words

Daddy why did you leave me?

Mommy why did you die

And why didn't daddy tell me it was a lie

He was lying he really wasn't fine

And maybe neither am I

I take a look around me and see the pain

The pain reflects in my eyes

It's my beautiful disguise

And there's always struggles

But in the struggles there's always light

Even in the middle night

When no one is around you

And the voices scream about you

And how much he hates you

Daddy why did you leave me?

Mommy why did you die

And why didn't daddy tell me it was a lie

He was lying he really wasn't fine

And maybe neither am I

Look at me daddy,

Doing it myself,

I never needed you

I got my life, it's ugly

But I'm turning it around,

I know how life is,

And I know how the streets can be

But if I can do it, you can too,

With or without me

Now don't get me wrong I'm not angry

I'm upset

That a father could leave so easily

Vanish without a trace

And come back in a year

Like he's a saving grace

Daddy why did you leave me?

Mommy why did you die

And why didn't daddy tell me it was a lie

He was lying he really wasn't fine

And maybe neither am I

I've got myself

And people that love me

That's all I really need

Yeah, screw you dad

I'm all I need

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