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Depression sheds my skin and I'm left with a body of roots and flowers

My hair is the leaves that grow abundantly

And my feet are rooted in place

I continue to grow inside of myself

And dance into a willow

The breeze catches me and I'm just swaying

And he calls me beautiful every day

And he waters me,

Sometimes walks away

But he always comes back with cooler water

And I always grow taller

Soon I will transform and a bird will crack open from my roots and I



I took a chance at something

I'm thriving in the process

Regret fills my brittle bones

But the warmth of my blood makes me strong again

No more downfalls

It's all up from here

And I'm smiling all the way up

I forgot there were clouds up above

I'm rooted

In brown eyes and alibies and smiley summer nights

My bones sounded like the crunching of chips

But now they feel like the hot summer day

Simmer down,

I'm happy

The sun has a smile again

And now I'm not crying again

But I'm soaring

And his lips feel like liquid gold

Weakened (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now