Ambulance Rides

8 0 0

White lines

Stuck inside a spider's eye

Trying to listen to the voice speaking to me -

"Stay with me," Im shaking; can't feel my fingers or my feet

What's happening?

What's happening to me?

I can't breathe

I feel like I'm dying

My ears are ringing

Can't speak;

White snowflakes fall in my eyes

And I'm blinded by white -

Am I in heaven?

Eyes skipping like an old movie




Flashing lights

Worried faces

Blue lips

Pale face


Every person is swaying

"Can you stand?"

I'm helped to my feet

His face is grey

I'm on a stretcher

I'm confused

Don't know what I was doing

Reality hits.

"Is she gonna be okay?"


"I'll be fine."

Weakened (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now