Luck of the Irish

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"These are nice pictures, mommy! Thank you for showing them to me!"

"You're welcome, sweetie." Jessica smiled softly.

"Why don't you go upstairs and wash up before dad comes home with dinner."


Grayson runs upstairs and Jessica looks down at all of the pictures.
She starts crying seeing all of the different moments in their life. Jessica and Sam's 19 year anniversary was coming up in only a few days so seeing all of these pictures was really getting to her.

"Sammy.. I think about you every single say.. not a day goes by when I don't think about you.. your hugs.. your kisses.  The way you smelled, the way you spoke.. the way you loved me.  I still feel your love, Sammy.  When I said I loved you forever and ever, honey I meant it.  You will always be my husband.. it's me and you!  Sam and Jess against the world!" Jessica spoke with a tearful smile.

"Even though I love Danny now and have a baby with him.. that doesn't mean I love you any less.. I never thought I could love again, Sam.. but Danny is everything to me." Jessica's voice breaks.

"I sometimes wonder if you're upset with me because I've moved on.. but then I remember all the signs you sent me.. You sent Daniel Huston into my life and for that.. I will forever be grateful.  I have my baby girl.. I am so blessed.  And that's because of you.  You spent most of your life trying to give me the best.. and you did!  Now that you've passed.. honey you're still doing it!  Thank you, Sam.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I love you so much, baby!" Jessica said looking up to the sky.

"Mama?" Nova says snapping Jessica from her thoughts.

"Oh!  Hey! Hi, pretty girl!  Sorry about that.. Mama was having a moment!"

"Dat?  Dat?" Nova points to the ceiling.

"What do you see, pretty girl?"

"Dat!" She laughs.

Grayson runs down and throws himself next to Jessica.

"Nova, who do you see up there?"

Jessica and Grayson watch as Nova's little eyes move around the room to right beside Jessica and Grayson.
Nova giggles and tries waving.

"Mommy, maybe she sees my daddy!  You said babies can see angel's!" Grayson smiled so big.

"You know what?  Gray, that's exactly what she's looking at."

"Yeah?!" Grayson's eyes light up.

"Yes! You always saw your daddy.. you would just smile and smile.."

"That's cool."

"It is!" Jessica laughs and kisses Grayson's cheek.


September 28th.

"James honey, when are you coming home? You and Caroline aren't planning on moving out of the country, are you?"

"Of course not! We'll be back next week!"

"Really?" Jessica was so excited.

"Yeah! So tell Zach and Mike to get the hell out of our house."

"James!" Caroline shouts.

"Oh James, you're a mess! Well I can't wait to see you both! We all miss you terribly."

"We miss you all too!"

Jessica gasps.

"You okay, Ma?"

A Second Chance: Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now