My Little Brother

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Jessica's Doctor was only about 10 or 15 minuets away from the hospital so they all loaded into the car and took off.

Jessica's contractions quickly became more intense after her water broke.
She was in the front with Danny breathing through the pain while Zachary and Alyssa sat silently in the back.

"I'm gonna call the house, I'm sure everyone is still there." Zachary says dialing his parents home number.

"Hello?" Sam answers.

"Hey Sam, so mom's water broke, and we're on our way to the hospital."

"What?! Guys, mom's water broke!"

Everyone shouts with excitement.

"Finally!" Caroline says.

"You're gonna be a Dad, Zach!" Sam smiles.

"I know!"

"Sucks you have to see mom's vagina though."

"Will you shut up?"

"Sorry! Alright, you go on. We'll all be there soon."

"Okay, see you later!"


Getting to the hospital Danny helps Jessica in and Zachary runs ahead with Alyssa to check in.

"Hi I- I'm Zach, she's my wife and our baby is coming!"

"You don't look pregnant." The woman says as Danny and Jessica catch up.

"No! No, my mom is having my baby!"

"Okay.." The woman looked very disturbed.

Jessica couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm not the mother, I'm the grandmother.. the gestational carrier.. Ow.. we're not fucked up, I swear!" She says breathing in and out.

"Oh! I understand, no problem!" She smiles.

"Can you just tell me where to go so I can at least be uncomfortable out of these soaking wet pants?"

"Of course, ma'am!"

Just then Alyssa snaps a picture.
Jessica turns to her and Alyssa smiles.

"I'm documenting everything wether you like it or not, Jessica!"


Once Jessica was situated it was around 6:00.
The nurses hooked her up to a fetal monitor an IV.

Alyssa sat there holding her hand through the pain as Jessica laid on her side trying her best to relax.
She was beyond blessed to have such an amazing mother in law who is willing to go through nine long months of carrying a baby, then to give birth to her child. Jessica was the most selfless person she has ever met.
It was the nicest thing she has ever witnessed a person do.
Alyssa knew how hard it was going to be for Jessica after she had the baby, and for that she really did feel terrible.

Zachary watched the monitor and cringes when he saw his mother's next contraction.

"This ones a big one, mom."

"Just focus on breathing, Jessie." Alyssa says as Jessica curls her body into a fetal position.

Danny placed his hand on her hip and the room goes silent until her pain passed.

"Okay, it's gone.. that one hurt." She pouted.

"You're doing so well, momma." Zachary smiled and bent over to kiss her forehead.

A Second Chance: Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now