Let's do it

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After Zachary told his mother to call an ambulance everyone was in a panic.
Alyssa's mother ran out to see what was wrong with her daughter.

"What happened?!" She asks.

"I-I don't know.  She needed air so we came out.. she said she couldn't breathe and her hand was on her chest.. then, that was it.  Alyssa baby, please wake up, honey." Zachary holds her hand and cries.

The ambulance showed up and took Alyssa on a stretcher.  Zachary

Caroline, Tiffany, Sam and Micheal stayed with the kids and Danny drove Jessica to the hospital.

"Danny, a heart attack?  They think she had a heart attack?!  She's so young!"

"Maybe it's in her family, I don't know.."

"How can you be racist at a time like this?!"

"What!  Babe, I'm not racist at all!  I'm just saying, maybe heart problems run in her family and she didn't know.."

"Because she's Mexican?  That's a shifty thing to imply, Daniel."

"Jesus Jess, I'm just trying to make sense of it!  This doesn't make sense!"

"I know... I'm sorry, I know you're not racist.. I'm just nervous and.."

"It's okay.  I am too." Danny reaches over and holds Jessica's hand.

"Zachary.. did you see him?  He was so terrified."

"I know.
.. I'm sure she'll be fine, Jess.. she'll be fine."


"What is taking so long?  We've been here forever!"

"It takes a while to run those kinds of tests.
Come sit, baby." Jessica says moving her purse to the ground so Zachary can sit beside her.

Jessica places one hand on his arm and the other on his back.

"She's gonna be okay.  She's in good hands."

"What if I lose her, mom?  I couldn't.. I can't live without her." Zachary looks at his mother in tears.

"Baby no, don't talk that way.  You're not going to lose her."

Jessica wraps her arms around him and rubs his back.

"I never thought this would happen.. when she threw up I just.. I don't know, I should've known something was wrong."

"There was no way of knowing, honey.
My mind went somewhere completely different.. I was thinking maybe she was pregnant.. Never this." Jessica looks down and nods softly.

Zachary looks down to the ground and doesn't say a word.



"About two weeks after graduation.. Alyssa.. she uh.."

"What baby?"

"She found out she was pregnant."

"You're having a baby?" Jessica smiles.

"No.. We lost it.."

"Oh honey.. I'm so sorry."

"We didn't say anything because um.. we found out that... Aly she.. something's wrong.. the doctor explained it but um.. long story short, her body can't really hold a baby.. her body sorta rejects any uh.. sperm.. and it's a miracle that she was even able to get pregnant in the first place."

"Oh Zach.  Honey, I'm so sorry." Jessica cries softly.

"We didn't say anything because we're still sorta.. trying to except it.  I mean, we said wanted kids.  That's all we've ever talked about...
Knowing we can't.. it's the hardest thing we've ever had to deal with.. well except for this." Zachary says looking around the emergency room.

"Sweetie, she's gonna be okay.  You two are gonna get married and still have your babies." Jessica says with a sadness in her voice.

"There's so many options now.  Surrogacy, adoption.. I know that if you adopt, then it's not apart of you and her.. but baby, there's no difference.
I adopted you, and I don't think of you as my adopted son.  I think of you as my baby boy.  Blood or not.. you're mine.  I'm your momma." She says with tears rolling down her cheeks.

She then softly rubs the back of his hand.
Zachary looks at her with red puffy eyes.

"That's true." He nods.

"I don't think you as my step mom.  You're my mom.. and that's it.
Thank you, momma."

Jessica smiles softly.
"You're welcome, baby boy."

Jessica kisses him and hugs him once again.
"Hello, is the family of Alyssa Garcia here?"

"Yes!  What's wrong?  Is she okay?" Zachary stands up.

"Are you her husband?"

"Yes." He answers.

"Alyssa suffered a mild heart attack-"

"Oh God.. is she.. is she okay?" He asks.

"She's resting now. We've performed many tests on her. We are going to keep her here for a few days just to keep an eye on her. We'll also be starting her on a few different medications."

"So she'll be okay, right?"

"Yes sir. She will be just fine." He says with a comforting smile.

"Can I see her?"

"Of course."

"Thank you..
Ms. Garcia, would you like to come with me?"

"You go see her. I'll wait."

"Are you sure?"

"You go ahead." Alyssa's mom smiles softly.

"Thank you."

The doctor lead Zachary back to his soon to be wife.
She looked so tiny hooked up to all these machines.

Zachary took a deep breath and walked over to sit beside her.

"Hi, beautiful." He spoke softly as he took her hand in his.

"Zach.. I'm sorry." Alyssa spoke softly.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I don't know." She said in a low voice.

Zachary chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"Baby, you scared me.. I didn't know what was happening. I.. I just wanted to see you wake up.. I wanted to see your beautiful smile.. to hear your sweet voice.. and to hug you, and kiss you. I was so scared."

"I know.. I love you."

"I love you too.. don't cry." He says wiping her tears.

"Then you stop too because I can't help but cry when I see you crying!"

"I'm sorry!" He chuckles and quickly wipes his tears.

"Alyssa, I wanna marry you. I would do it today if I could. I just want to be with you."

"Me too.. I don't care about months of planning. I wanna get married at my family's ranch. Wouldn't that be beautiful?"

"Absolutely." Zachary smiles softly.

"This isn't just the meds talkin, Zach. I want to marry you now. Before the weather changes, before the holidays. I want to be Mrs. Zachary Huston."

"Then let's do it." He smiles softly with her hand still secure in his.

I hope you guys are still enjoying this story.
I have a lot of ideas that hopefully you guys will like! ☺️💙

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