Broken Heart

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December 26.

Jessica was so nervous. Her stomach was in knots. All she could think of was her baby.
Danny was terrified as well but he hid it as best as he could just to make Jessica feel a little more at ease.

"How are you feeling today, baby?" Danny asks.


"Jessica, please-"

"The past few weeks I've complained about my weight..
And when I thought I was pregnant, I was so mad! I didn't want a baby.. God is punishing me by making our child have heart problems."

"No, Jessie. He's not, baby. Whatever it is.. it's God's will.. and he would never give us something we couldn't handle."

"I just want it to be okay. This pregnancy is going to be filled with worry." Jessica says as she throws herself forward on him and cries.

Danny kisses the top of her head and rubs her back.
"I love you."

"I love you too.."


After a long wait they were finally called back.
Jessica changed into a gown just in case they needed to do a vaginal scan. Danny stood right by her side holding her hand.
He looked down at her small bump poking straight up.

"Look at this beautiful little belly." He smiled and placed his hand on her stomach.

"It's pretty out there, huh?"

"Yup! A big strong baby." He smiles.

Jessica gives him a small smile then looks down to her stomach. Danny places a soft kiss on it then kisses her forehead.

Just then the ultrasound tech comes in. She greets them and lets them know exactly what's going to be happening.

"Usually we don't run these types of tests on baby's this small, but since your doctor requested it we are going to try our very best to find answers! Now, the scan will take a while so lay back and relax. Go to sleep if you want!"

"Alright." Jessica chuckles softly.

Once the scan starts, both Danny and Jessica smiled at the sight of their baby.

"You have one active little baby, momma!" The woman chuckled at the little ones movements.

"Look at that, baby! We've got a squirmy little worm!" Danny says lightly squeezing her hand.

Jessica giggles. "So cute."

Danny never once let go of her hand as the woman pressed into her stomach to get a better view.
As a clear view of the baby's heartbeat appeared tears fell down Jessica's face.
She hurt so badly for the baby. It was so small and so innocent. She prayed everything would turn out okay.


After an hour the scan was over and Jessica was able to change. The specialist wanted to speak with them right away which of course made them very nervous.

They sat in the doctor's office for about ten minutes before he came in.

"Hello! So sorry for the wait!"

"No problem. Is my baby okay?" Jessica asked.

The doctor sighs and pulls out a few pictures from the ultrasound, "Mr. and Mrs. Huston, what we found is that your baby's heart valves are switched. Meaning he or she will need to have open heart surgery immediately after birth."

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