Mi Vida

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Eventually Jessica cried herself to sleep.
Danny was very worried about her, he didn't want her to be so upset she made herself sick. That night Danny didn't get much sleep.

The next morning, he let Jessica sleep in and made breakfast for the entire house.

Jessica began to slowly wake up. She circled her fingers softly on her stomach. It was a habit, but then she quickly remembered and laughed at herself while looking down to her stomach.
She woke with light stomach cramps, which was completely normal for having just given birth.
She slowly got out of bed, and went to the bathroom to clean herself off and change the adult diaper she needed to wear after birth.

After clipping her hair up out of her face and putting on some comfortable clothes, Jessica went downstairs.

"Good morning, mom! How are you feeling?" Grayson asks.

"I'm feeling okay, Grayson. Thank you, buddy." Jessica said wrapping her arms around him.

"Morning, beautiful! Sit down, I'll serve you a plate." Danny smiles.


"So.. what does forty feel like so far?" Sam asks.

"Okay, I guess." Jessica shrugs.

"You don't look like a woman in her forties! You could pass for Sam's older sister!" Tiffany says.

"That's very sweet of you to say, Tiffany." She smiles softly.

"It's true!"

"Well thank you." Jessica giggles.

Jessica was pretty quiet throughout breakfast.
After everyone left to do their own thing, Jessica stayed in the kitchen while Danny cleaned up.

".... I wonder how their first night went."

"I messaged Zach earlier, he said it was pretty rough."


"Yeah, the baby was up all night."


"I told him we'd be there around noon.  I'm gonna make some food and take it over so they don't have to worry about cooking."

"That's nice.... Danny, do you think I shouldn't go?"

"Why wouldn't you go?"

"The baby and I.. I feel like we need to learn how to live without each other.  Not like I never see him, but right now he mostly knows me!  In his mind I'm his mama.  If I go over and hold him, he feels and hears something familiar.  I noticed it in the hospital, whenever I held him he'd be totally fine.  He needs to get used to them.  I'm not being mean, but I just don't think I should go."

"Honey, you can't just stay away.  No mater what, we all knew you and this baby would be close and have a special bond.  He just loves his grandma, but I'm sure he knows who his parents are."

"I just feel bad.  Maybe I shouldn't have held him for so long in the hospital.  They shouldn't have laid him on me right after birth, they should have just given him straight to Alyssa." Jessica says choking up.

"Baby, baby, baby." Danny drops what he's doing and walks over to embrace his crying wife.

"You did nothing wrong, honey.  You did a beautiful thing!  Holding him didn't hurt anyone."

"I just feel.. I don't even know What I feel!  I feel happy for doing a good thing, I feel sad because I'm not the one that gets to be up all night with him.  It's just hard being here and not having him.  Leaving the hospital without a baby was like someone stabbed me in the heart!"

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