I need her!

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"Danny? Danny, what's wrong?" Dorothy said walking over to him.

"Jessica.. she.. her eyes closed and wouldn't wake up. I don't know what's going on, but they told me to leave the way they did in my- in my dream." Danny cries.

"Oh Danny!" Dorothy breaks down in tears.

"And-and Jonas.. he.."

"What?" Dorothy asks, fearing the worst.

"They needed to take him into surgery. He's not even half an hour old and he's having open heart surgery. Jessie doesn't know. She doesn't know her baby is having heart surgery, Dorothy!" Danny sobs.

"Oh my gosh.." She grabs her chest and looks down, not once blinking.

"What if I lose them? I can't lose them!"

"No! Danny, you're not going to lose either one of them!  Don't say that!"

"I hate this.. he's just a baby! What did he do to deserve this!!
..And Jessie.. she's my everything, Dorothy. I can't do this.. I need her!!"


Lifting the covers off, Jessica was covered in blood.  It looked like a crime scene.
Doctors rushed in and worked on her as quickly as possible.

A nurse gave her medicine through IV to start her contractions, while another nurse massaged her stomach, trying desperately to get her uterus to contract.

Jessica was slipping, and her doctor needed to work fast.

He inserted a bakri balloon to stop the bleeding, and finally, they were able to take a collective sigh of relief.

The nurses cleaned her up, while her doctor went to speak with Danny.

Danny waited in the hall for twenty minutes, the entire time thinking his wife was dying. When the doctor came out, he didn't want to speak to him. He didn't want to hear the words he heard in his dream.

"Please don't. Don't tell me she's gone. Please!" Danny begs.

"No! No sir, you're wife is going to be fine. We gave her medicine through iv to get her uterus to contract, and we also put a balloon in to stop the bleeding. She's going to be fine."

Danny took a huge sigh of relief. "Is she awake?"

"No, but she should be soon. You can go back in if you'd like."

"Thank you so much."

"No problem." He nods.

Danny first went to the waiting room to let the family know she was okay.

"Dad!  What's going on?" Zachary asks as the boys stand up and walk over.

"Is she- is she okay?" James asks.

"She's okay.. She's fine." Danny smiles.  His eyes were red and puffy.

"Oh thank God!" Dorothy let's out a deep breath as she cries tears of joy.

"I'm gonna go see her right now.  Keep praying for Jonas.. He's like his mother, he'll pull through."

"That's right, son." Zoe smiles softly.

"Daddy, is my mommy okay?" Nova looks up to her father towering over her.

"Yes Nova, Mommy's just fine.  I'm gonna go see her now." He says kneels to her level.

A Second Chance: Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now