Quidditch Tryouts

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October 14, 1973

In the Gryffindor common room, the Marauders are gathered together closely, hoping not to be overheard.

REMUS: You're telling me she straight up offered to teach you all to become Animagi?


REMUS: And you didn't get in trouble for the essay at all?

JAMES: Nope.

SIRIUS: This is awesome! I wonder what animal I'll be-

REMUS: Wait a minute, now. Becoming Animagi is a very serious process, and it's gonna take a lot of work. Are you sure you're all up to this?

SIRIUS: Course. I've been looking for a new challenge, anyway.

JAMES: You know I'll do anything to help you out, mate. And if this is what it takes, I'm all for it.

REMUS: What about you, Peter?

PETER: I mean- it would be fun- but with all the extra work- I guess I would if everyone else does.

JAMES: That's final. This is so happening.

SIRIUS: Can you imagine, though? With the Map and the fact that we can become animals? No teacher will ever catch us! We'll be invincible! We can go to Hogsmeade anytime we want, we can explore this entire Castle, we can do anything!

REMUS: It will be quite amazing.

JAMES: And the most important part. You won't have to be alone during the full moon anymore, mate. We'll be with you every month.

PETER: I guess it depends which animals we'll be though, right? I mean, it's not like we can choose. What if we're too small, or too big-

SIRIUS: I bet I'll be a lion.

JAMES: No way. If anyone's a lion, it's me.

SIRIUS: In your dreams. You'll probably be a cat.

The door to the boys' dormitory opens, and FRANK descends the stairs, dressed in Gryffindor Quidditch robes and clutching a broomstick.

FRANK: You ready, James?

JAMES: Yeah, let's go. You sure you don't wanna come, Sirius?

SIRIUS: Naw, I'll wait till later to join the team, when you really need me.

REMUS: Good luck, you two.

JAMES: See you later.

JAMES grabs his broomstick, and he and FRANK exit the portrait hole.

FRANK: You nervous?

JAMES: A little bit. When did you first join the team?

FRANK: Not till fourth year. Didn't think I had it in me before then.

JAMES: Well, I'll hope for the best.

FRANK: You'll get in for sure, mate. I've seen you fly. You're a natural.

JAMES: (somewhat insecure) You think?

FRANK: (smiling) Just do your best.

They exit the front door of the Castle and start jogging down the grassy slopes to the Quidditch pitch.

FRANK: What position are you trying out for, anyway?

JAMES: Chaser. Mason McKinnon graduated last year, so there's a new spot open.

FRANK: Excellent. I'm going for Beater, I've done it for the past two years. Mason was pretty good, but I'm sure you'll be able to step into his shoes.

They arrive at the Quidditch pitch, where several other Gryffindors are gathered in the center field.

FRANK: You ready?

JAMES: Let's do this. 

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