Slytherin Common Room

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January 9, 1974

In the Slytherin common room early one evening, many students are gathered together, talking about their winter breaks and preparing for the new term. Towards the back, SEVERUS and REGULUS are playing a game of chess.

SEVERUS: Knight to E5.

REGULUS: Damn. Pawn to A6.

SEVERUS: You're going down, Reg.

REGULUS: You wish. So what's the deal with-

SEVERUS: If you ask me about the Dark lessons with Bellatrix one more time-

REGULUS: But come on! Please?

SEVERUS: I already told you not yet! Bishop to E3. Besides, it's too advanced for you anyway.

REGULUS: Whatever. Queen to H4.

SEVERUS: What's the deal with that degenerate brother of yours, anyway?

REGULUS: He's hanging out with Mudbloods non-stop. The family's gonna disown him any day now, just like they did with Andromeda.

SEVERUS: Well. Hopefully you'll turn out better than he does. Hey, Narcissa!

NARCISSA walks past them, smiling at SEVERUS.

NARCISSA: Hey, Severus. How was your break?

SEVERUS: Nothing special. Excited to be back, though.

NARCISSA: (smiling) Can't say the same. I'll see you around. (She continues walking towards the back corner of the room, where LUCIUS and MAFALDA are seated).


LUCIUS: Hey. (He gets up and kisses her). Where've you been?

NARCISSA: (sitting down) Library.

MAFALDA: Have you already got homework?

NARCISSA: It's never too early to start preparing for N.E.W.T.s. Besides, I don't want to fall behind this term. Anyway, how was your holiday?

MAFALDA: (sighing) Quiet. Boring. Whatever. Glad to be back, though.

LUCIUS: Why? Spring term is always worse than the fall.

NARCISSA: Yeah, it's so much busier.

MAFALDA: (resting her hands behind her back) That's why I love being in sixth-year. No big exams at the end of the year!

NARCISSA: Well, jolly good for you.

MAFALDA: Come on, it's your last semester ever at Hogwarts! Seize the day! Make the most of it!

NARCISSA: (smiling) I'm two seconds away from slapping you.

MAFALDA: All right, fine. Let's get out our books and study, then. Just remember, you don't know what you have until it's gone. Someday, you might miss this place. 

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