Match 5: Announcement

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Jungkook's POV

"Why is she sleeping in a place like this? Geez, this daughter of mine." I look at the person standing in front of me and got surprise when my vision become clear. It's her mom. "She looks... Tired." She said before kneeling down and removing some hair in her face.

I don't know what to say. I open my mouth but no words came out. What am I suppose to say? That she's tired because of cleaning the house from 3am to 7am all by herself?

"She isn't giving you much of a headache, right? You know, this kid doesn't do anything here in the house but knows how to handle herself. She's independent but hard headed so I hope she isn't causing any trouble?" Ah, no?

I am the one troubling her. She's really understanding and responsible. It should be the other way around.

I shake my head as an answer.

"Good. I will call her dad to carry her to her room so she can rest." Her mom stood up. I hold her hand to stop her from calling her dad.

"I can carry her." She smiled then lead the way. I am carrying her in a bridal style. Psh. She should thank for later for carrying her. She's heavy. She's really a pig.

I put her down and left for the party. I met up with some of her relatives. They know me as her fiancee and I swear it wasn't pleasant to my ears. They praise me saying that she is lucky to have me and I know that. She's really lucky to have me. What more can she ask for? I am too perfect. And handsome, too.

"Jungkook!" I heard a familiar voice, Taehyung. He run towards me and we did a fist bump. Not like Baymax alright. A normal fist bump. "Why're you here?" He ask me.

"I should be asking the same thing. Why are you here?" Did he know the Choi Family?

"My dad's an old friend of her dad." Now I see.

"What's the party all about?" He just look at me then raise an eyebrow.

"You sure you don't know?" He question me back. "This jerk doesn't have a clue at everything!" He whisper but I can still hear him.

"What do you mean by that?" He just punch me lightly in my tummy and went to a table and cross his arms. What's that?

I waited at the table with him. He get foods and drinks, sometimes asking for a girl's number which I am excited to give him. I even give him background about the girl and excited to tell a story to him.

"Useless narcissist jerk." My mood change when I heard that voice. "Thank you for carrying me to my room. Now we're even. Geez! Why did I even thank you? Forget it. Just the even part." Then she walk away from us.

Go on. Walk away. I don't give a damn about it. There are lots of pretty lady here, sometimes they hang with us for a minute, but she stand out from the rest. Wait, what? You must be kidding me. She's ugly, ugly nerd.

Boys gather around her to greet her. I eye all of them, giving them deadly glares. Yes, glares not stares.

"Jungkook... You see, I like this certain girl and I bet you know her very well. I know you don't like her so can I have her number? Her name is..." I ignored him, still staring at the boys introducing themselves to Yuna.

I face Taehyung, smiling when they disperse when I caught their attention.

"What're you saying again? About this girl and her name?" I playfully ask him.

"Forget it, stupid." He click his tongue and face the stage where her dad stood. I think their going to announce something.

He welcome the guests and prepared a little speech for this night. We all clap. He's a good host and he has a great sense of humor. Why does his child doesn't know the word humor? He should teach her so she won't boring.

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