Match 31: From Him

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Jungkook's POV

Yuna's time was all spent on that stupid dog, ignoring me even I call her. That baby of ours might get hairy! Imagine this kind of baby: pretty with round eyes, perfect lips like mine, perfect nose, long eyelashes, fat and hairy! He/she will be perfect except the last two!

I open my facebook and what appear at the very top of my news feed is a news about Yuna again. These girls aren't done yet? My blood boiled but I thoroughly read whatever they posted.

Choi Yuna, the ultimate flirt! Now pregnant with our Jeon Jungkook's child after using some dirty tricks and she may even threaten him! Abort the child!

How did they know that? She didn't threaten me just to be with her. And I won't let her abort the child, over my death body! But what makes me curious is how the hell did they know?! Who told them? Aish. These girls are really scary. I am really thankful that my wife is really different from the rest... and weird.

She is giggling at Chimin as of now. I wonder what will be her reaction when she read this new news about her? I can imagine that smoke will steam out of her, her vision will darken and she can hurt those girls. I won't hold her back instead I will support her and even bury their corpses for her.

"Jungkook..." I was surprise not because she didn't call me Jungkook but because she is mad? I don't remember doing anything! "Why are you so serious over there?! Yah! Don't tell me you're staring at Lisa's face! Mister, I will skin you alive!" Now where did that come from? Aish! Her trust left to me is so little that she doubts little things I do now.

"Why would I stare at her face?"

"I wonder about that." Note the sarcasm in her voice. She continue to play with Chimin and I can feel that she is definitely avoiding me but I can't her about it. I destroyed her trust.

"Yuna..." I called her. "Are you still mad at me?" This is a funny question, I know.

"You should know it yourself. My parents didn't prepare an extra room for you but I don't want you to sleep in a sofa so you will sleep at my room. We're going to use that. Come here. Let's fix your things." She stood up then Chimin followed her up to her room. I grab my things and followed her as well.

I got to see her room here once, when I carry her when her parents first announce our engagement to their relatives but I didn't get the chance to stare at it. Now I can even sleep in her room.

When I enter her room, I smile at her while she give me daggers. Her room is so cute, similar to the one we have at our house. The difference is the pictures. Her pictures in our house is filled with our faces while here, just my face. Stolen photos of me from different events, some are put in frames and some are clipped in the headboard of her bed.

Why I didn't noticed it the first time? Because I don't give attention around her, ignoring whatever's in here.

"You are really in love with me, huh?" I tease her. She grab a picture of me then smile.


"The perfect girl is in love with me. I am the luckiest guy alive." I am really proud to be her husband.

"I am not perfect. I have many flaws."

"Flaws are what make a person perfect. I don't care about that, what I see in you are your perfect imperfections. Yuna..." I extended my arms to reach her hand. I kiss her hand. "I am so sorry. Yuna, I really love you."

"Kookie, sorry just can't cut it. You have to prove it with actions, only then I will believe. I love you more, Jeon Jungkook but I want to return from the past." Wait, what does she mean by that?

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