Leave Me Lonely (12)

341 19 6


Friday, December 1

10:02 am

"Target, I love you so much!" I yell, opening the car door.

"Target loves you too. He told me."

"I'm pretty sure Target is a girl." I open the back door to take Lilia out of her car seat, only to discover that she's asleep.

"Should I put her in the stroller? I don't want to. I kinda want her to wake up." I ask Justin.

"Well wake her up. But I'm not responsible for what happens afterwards." He shrugs, standing next to me.

I unbuckle her from the car seat and take her out, but instead of waking up she lays her head on my shoulder and stays asleep.

"The one time I actually want her to wake up. This is some nonsense." I laugh.

"You'll be alright. Let's go. Target adventures!"

"I'm coming!"

"You don't know how much I would love to hear you say that in a different context." Justin looks at me, smirking, and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up. I hate you."

"No you don't. That's a complete lie."

"I don't lie. I'm an angel." I smile.

"You're far from an angel." We walk into Target and just walk around for around fifteen minutes, talking.

"She's waking up, Ari." Justin says.

"That's not my problem. You said you wanted to hold her, therefore, anything she does in your arms is your issue."

"You're her mom, though."

"I am. And as her mom, I have placed her in your care."

"I'm taking her then." Justin walks away as Lilia starts to cry and I laugh.

He comes back about ten seconds later, the most miserable look on his face and I bust out laughing.

"Have you given up?"

"I gave up like five minutes ago." He sighs.

I hold my arms out and he gives Lilia to me.

"You handle that." I shrug, taking one of Lilia's many pacifiers out of my purse and putting it in her mouth.

She immediately stops crying and looks at Justin.

"You know, if you gave that to her when I was holding her, this would've been much easier."

"Do you want my daughter back?"

"Yes. As long as she doesn't cry." I give Lilia back to Justin and we continue walking through Target.

We hadn't made it to the baby section yet, which is why I didn't have anything in my hands, but I assure you that would change very soon.

"Look who it is." Justin says.

I turn around and see his sister walking towards us, a smile on her face.

"Little sis, what's up? How's work going?" Justin smiles.

"Work is work. Y'all look very comfortable together. Almost like a couple." She smirks, looking at Justin.

He shakes his head and I look between them, confused.

"Especially with the cute little girl. Justin, big brother, I have a question."

"I think it can wait. Don't you?"

Leave Me Lonely (JB+AG)Where stories live. Discover now