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Stiles let out a sigh as he inspected Roseleta's dead body. It had been a little to quick for his taste, he probably should have drawn it out more.

He smiled slowly as he thought about the answers. He knew she wouldn't be able to get them all correct, that's why he's asked her them.

The question he'd asked the wolves was what he'd asked her but he'd wanted the honest answer from her, not just what would have made him happy. What she gave wasn't a honest answer and they both had known it.

Then if you were going to kill someone you should know their name, it was the least you could do. He knew the werewolves names, he'd forced them to tell him before he'd killed them.

The third question? She'd answered that one wrong as well, as he knew she would. She had never loved anyone, she had been in love but never loved. He could tell when he'd looked at her personal string or connection. It was connected to the alpha he had killed but no one else. Couldn't tell the difference between being in love and loving someone else, he'd expected that from her.

Maybe it was unfair asking her questions he knew she'd get wrong but then again why should he try and deal with her fairly?

The even idea of it amused him.

He watched as her body slowly transformed into a silver mist. It was odd thinking that would be him someday.

It started to float upwards but before she could pick up speed Stiles put his hands around the silver mist. His magic curled around his hands, acting like a barrier, stopping the mist from seeping out his fingers.

Stiles chuckled.

"Where exactly are you going? You seriously think I'd let you live on? I know exactly what to do with you"

Even though every conscious thought and thought had been stopped he could almost still feel the mist shiver in his hands, almost like fear.

He recalled where he'd been told where the mirror room was by the Lord of Soul. He walked there with the silver mist twirling uneasily in his hands.

Stiles wondered if she was screaming in there, he wouldn't blame her.

Once he was in front of one of the mirrors he released her, making sure to look away. The silver mist was sucked into the mirror.

She'd be in there with three other societies, two rebels and one mass murderer. They were all probably dead by now though.

Without a second thought he'd created another portal to the Mind District. He couldn't leave it got to long as he needed to find another Lord or Lady before he could leave that district to it's own.

He stepped through into what used to be the Lord of Minds room, where he ruled over the district from. What surprised him more was not that Rocrik had already left but there was someone he hadn't expected to see yet. He wondered if she knew what had happened to him and if Madam Rucia had woken up yet.

He smiled and it held the warmth that Rocrik and Roseleta had never seen.


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