New Beginnings ::1::

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A/N: I am a very busy lady! I have decided against editing the entire story, because I was 15 when I started writing this story. I realize how rough it is (as far as the writing and the plot) but I have grown from it, and I've just made peace with the fact that this story is what it is, and when I create the sequel the writing will be better. Thank you so much for reading, I love all of you I truly do.

Lennocelia Kingsleigh slowly batted her eyelashes, lips parting quickly as a yawned escaped her mouth. She leaned her forehead against the cool glass of the cart window, watching as the sun descended below the rolling hills of the Scotland plains. Her deep and even breaths condensed the window, creating small moist clouds upon the glass. She used the pad of her index fingers to trace a smiling face into the fog, the corner of her mouth twitching into a half-smile. Her eyes wandered the cart, stopping as they landed on her friend Liam. His arms and legs were sprawled amongst the entire left seat, neck contorted at a strange angle that did not look comfortable. A loud snort erupted from his nose, causing her to roll her eyes and lean forward in her seat. She wrapped her fingers around the half-eaten muffin that rested besides her, launching it at his sleeping body. His body jolted forward, entire body falling off of the seat. He jumped to his feet quickly, surveying the cart for the source of his assault. As he realized the culprit had been her muffin, he picked it up skeptically, turning it in his fingertips to examine it carefully. He simply shrugged, stuffing its entirety into his mouth, finishing it in one large bite. Lennox scoffed, and shook her head at the primal actions of her best friend.

"What?" He quipped, crumbs falling from his mouth as he attempted to question her. Liam Gordon had been her best friend in the entire world, and it had been this way since she had been sorted into Slytherin exactly six years prior to this day. Not only had he been a quality friend to her, but to the rest of her siblings as well. He was helpful, kind, and caring. Not to mention, he totally loved food. Probably more than his own family. Truth be told, Lennox had always wondered why he hadn't been sorted into Hufflepuff. However, she thought to herself, she knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"We must be getting close." Lennox mused quietly, feeling the train halt slightly, slowing down as they approached the castle. The lights beamed into the night sky, lighting up the entire cliff side.

"Shall I rally the herd?" Liam questioned, inquiring about the rest of her family. She smiled slightly, nodding to him. He exited the cart swiftly, walking down the hall to gather the rest of her siblings. She was attempting not to think about the fact that this was her final year at Hogwarts, even though she was convinced it was going to be the best year of her life. After the troubles she and her siblings had gone through in the past two years, she was surprised they all had still been functioning properly. Max and Bradley entered the cart first, bags and belongings in hand. Maximillion Kingsleigh, one year younger than she, was the male version of her. Being a fifth year, she had urged him to begin studying for his OWL exams, however, being stubborn and hard headed like her, he did not want to listen to anything his older sister had to say. The pair of them could win any argument out of sheer stubbornness. Bradley Kingsleigh, the fourth year, took a much more logical and analytical approach to the world. If Bradley had not been in the picture, everything would get done out of impulse with no prior thought.

"Len, can you help me with my bag?" Skylar questioned, dragging her luggage into the cart behind her, unable to lock it because it had been filled to the absolute brim. Lennox grabbed the end of it, assisting her in placing it onto the seat. She picked her sister up quickly and unexpectedly, setting her down on top of the suitcase. Lennox flicked her wrist, wand twirling elegantly in attempt to lock it. After the small 'click' Skylar hopped down. Skylar Kingsleigh, the third year, resembled a true Slytherin more than any member of their family. Shy and reserved on the outside, her insides were as dark and twisted as black licorice. She had a way with words, and most definitely had a way with getting people to do whatever she desired. Beauty, intelligence, and charm were characteristics she could use to her advantage, and, she most certainly did quite often.

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