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Ellie sat on her bed, waiting for the day to end so that she could just get up earlier. The next day was the first day of school. High school. Although she was terrified, she knew that she could count on the guys that she had grown up with since day 1.

Her phone began to buzz when she saw that Ethan was calling her. She reached for her phone and answered quickly.

"El, Benny said that he has a surprise for both of us and I'm terrified so you need to come over here," she heard her friend say.

"Great, sounds horrifying. I mean, if Benny has a surprise, then it probably won't be very thought out. I'll be over in five," she responded. She threw on her denim jacket and got her bike to go to Ethan's house.

As she walked in the door, she found Ethan sat at his dinner table. "Where's Benny?" Ellie asked him. "He said he would be here in t-minus 2 minutes," Ethan told her. About 10 seconds after that, Benny ran into his house through the back door and plopped a bunch of candy onto Ethan's dinner table.

"Meet my surprise," Benny said with a toothy grin. "Oh my god, did you rob an ice cream truck or something?" Ellie asked him, laughing. "Tomorrow, we officially join the high school brotherhood," Benny announced. Ellie fake-coughed really loud, trying to get his attention. "Oh, and sisterhood," he added. "Thank you," Ellie said.

The boys started arguing about marshmallows so Ellie thought that she could go and see what Ethan's little sister, Jane, was up to. She was in the living room, watching that stupid movie Dusk. She could never understand why people liked that movie. It was really cheesy and cringy to her.

"Ethan, did you hear that?" Jane asked, looking towards their kitchen. He didn't answer, as he was trying to fit more marshmallows into his mouth than Benny. "I'm sure it was nothing, Jane," Ellie reassured her. She walked into the kitchen to steal some of their candy since they were only focused on the marshmallows.

All of a sudden, they all heard a high-pitched scream outside. Ellie, Benny, and Ethan all looked at each other and ran to the front door. As they reached the front porch, they saw Ethan's parents holding Jane in their driveway.

"How was date night?" Ethan asked, while Ellie and Benny awkwardly waved at them.



Hi! Welcome to my new book, Mage! I really hope you guys enjoy this series and I really want to work hard on it. I'll be making updates a lot, and I hope you guys like these. I just started to watch the series again on Netflix and nostalgia hit me like a truck!

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