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As the geeks sat in their English class, Ethan, Benny, and Ellie couldn't help but continue to stare out the window and spy on the vampire car.

"That car has been quiet for years," Ethan thought out loud. "What would make it all road-ragey now?"

"I bet it's coast-free warranty expired," Benny chuckled.

"Maybe your psychic energy gave it a jumpstart?" Ellie suggested, tucking her pencil behind her ear.

"It had that squirrel nest for breakfast, too," Ethan added. "Combine those, and bam! Vampire car lives again."

"Okay we've got that, but how do we stop a vampire-possessed car?" Benny acknowledged. "Cut off its headlights? Cover it in garlic?"

"It's a car, Benny, not a pizza," Ellie told him.
"I'd so much rather have the pizza," he sighed.

"The vampire possessing it is the problem, not the car itself," Ethan explained. "Would you two have a spell to cast him out?"

"Is my name Benny 'Magic Man' Mephistopheles?" he smirked to Ethan.

"Yeah, because I'm the Wicked Witch of the West," Ellie remarked.

"I'll be a magic man someday!"

As the bell rang throughout the school to release the students for the day, Ellie kept Ethan seated with her hand on his shoulder.

"Maybe, you should stay here," she suggested. "I mean, everyone still thinks you're hurting people with that car."

"True," Ethan grumbled. "If it runs over Benny next, I shouldn't be near it."

"Exactly—!" Benny agreed. "—Wait, what?"

Ethan grabbed ahold of his shoulder, "You can do it, Magic Man. I believe in you."

"If anything goes wrong, we'll do what you do best and call Sarah for help," Ellie remarked.


As Benny, Ellie, and Sarah made their way to stop the vampire car, the last people they expected to be rigging the wiring were Rory and Erica.

"What are you two doing?" Benny questioned, causing Rory and Erica to jump out their skins.
"Nothing!" Erica defended.

"We're helping Ethan out by stealing his car!" Rory giggled.

Benny, Ellie, and Sarah shared the same pursed expression at the vampires, causing Erica to spill.
"We were just trying to help out, and- uh..." she lied, not being able to find an excuse. "Okay, it was all Rory's idea!"

"Rory had an idea?" Ellie asked, almost laughing.

"Blame space aliens," Sarah chuckled, pointing to the sky. "That would be more believable."

"Figures! Stupid space aliens!" Rory yelled.

"Sorry, vamps, but this blood bank is about to get closed, alright?"
Benny and Ellie stationed themselves in front of the car's hood, ready to cast the spell until Benny paused.

"El, could you maybe... sit this one out?" he asked, shining a big flashy grin to his girlfriend.
"What, why?" she asked.

"I wanna try it!" he clarified. "We worked all summer on my magic. I wanna see if I'm as cool as you think I am."

"Alright, Magic Man," Ellie chuckled, leaving Benny to stare down the vampire car by himself.

"Parnoc abnar benninotrath kevento motuos abnar benninotrath," Benny shouted, flicking his fingers and sprinkling the magic mark onto the hood of the car. Finishing up the spell, Ellie couldn't help but give Benny a look of impression.

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